Health Articles

Two Faced

  Most people are not aware that sugar has two faces to it — one side that can actually be helpful to the body and another side that is destructive to the body. When we look at sugar we see pretty white crystals of lovely sweetness. But hidden beneath that crystalline deliciousness, you find that […]

Health Articles

Jekyll and Hyde Sugar

  Most people are not aware that sugar has two faces to it – one side that can actually be helpful to the body and another side that is destructive to the body.  When we look at sugar we see pretty white crystals of lovely sweetness.  But when you look at the chemical structure of […]

Health Articles

Gimme the Sugar part 1

I love sugar, but sugar does not love me.  Sweet is the first taste we experience from our mother’s milk.  We are hardwired to seek out the sweet taste.  In nature, sweet taste is almost a guarantee that the food we are about to eat is safe.  But we are not in nature anymore.  Sweet is not […]

Health Articles

Diabetes Defense

Today’s article is to round out our discussion of blood sugar issues in our efforts to prevent Metabolic Syndrome and Diabetes. To this point I have focused mainly on the obvious – sugar. Have you been reading labels? Amazed at how much sugar there is in products? Wonder why they use so many different kinds of […]