Health Articles


  Remember the old guessing game 20 questions?  One of the first questions involved establishing whether the object to be guessed was animal, vegetable, or mineral.  But what if it was none of those?  This is the realm of fungus.  This fungal realm includes molds, yeasts, mushrooms, and it involves over 3 million species.  Some […]

Health Articles

Lockdown back

Over the last couple of months,s I have been working on a lot of people with odd back problems.  The oddity is that these back issues come on without any apparent cause.  I see this normally a few times each week, but now most of the back issues I see are of this type.  I […]

Health Articles


One of my patients asked me to write an article about the current coronavirus pandemic.  I replied that this was such a new virus out in the public that I had no information about this critter.  All the research has been done in top secret Biolabs, which don’t publish their findings.  The commercial press has […]

Health Articles

Holiday Eating!

The holiday eating season is officially upon us.  Technically it starts with the first bag of Halloween candy we buy, but nice weather and sunny days keep us in the late summer mood so we still go out walking and enjoying the outdoors.  But once the first cold wet storm hits, we stay indoors.  And […]

Health Articles

Healthy Diet Avoids

It has been several years now since I wrote about the basic things to avoid to support a healthy diet.  This is not the obvious list of poisonous chemicals that should also be avoided.  For those, if you can’t pronounce it or find it growing in somebody’s garden, then don’t put it in your mouth. […]

Health Articles


Most people struggle with depression and anxiety at times. On the surface this appears to be a simple consequence of our high stress lifestyles in this day and age. Life is happening faster and faster. We process progressively more information every year. We are literally bombarded with a huge diversity of data through our phones, […]

Health Articles


So the new year is still fresh and you still plan to live 2019 as healthy as possible.  Right off the bat you have chosen a serious challenge.  The single biggest thing that impacts your health is what you put into your mouth and allow into your lungs.  It seems super obvious that the first step […]

Health Articles

New Year’s Detox

The New Year is almost upon us.  That means the socially obligatory sugar and carb feasting is finally over.  Most of us have had too many simple carbs and sugarsover the last couple months and ithas played havoc with our metabolisms, even if we are not feeling it.  Even if you have been divinely good, this […]

Health Articles

Holiday Stress Revisited

This topic was suggested to me by one of my patients as a good subject with which to start the holiday season.  With the onslaught of costumed sugar addicts at my door the other night, I would say the holidays are officially in full swing.  Somehow the season of good cheer also is the season […]

Health Articles


The holidays are coming up fast.  The season starts with Halloween and ends at midnight on January 1st.  The big idea is two months of connection and good cheer.  Traditionally this is the harvest time.  You work hard for 6 to 7 months to till the soil, spread the seed, keep the weeds out, and […]