Health Articles

Muscle Mass

  The week before last my newsletter focused on the underlying disease that is likely to result in each of our deaths — insulin resistance. This metabolic imbalance is the hidden cause of most heart disease, cancers, dementia, kidney disease, stroke, vascular disease, and the list just goes on and on. Even your chances of […]

Health Articles

Insulin Resistance

  What is the most likely thing that will kill you? For Americans that would be heart disease followed by cancer. Once you take out accidents, acute infections, and suicide, the remaining seven of the top ten causes of death in the US account for 90% of deaths. The important point here is that the […]

Health Articles

Uric Acid

  What do fatty liver, diabetes, cancer, Alzheimer’s, heart attacks, cardiovascular disease, kidney disease, insulin resistance, obesity, high blood pressure, and gouty arthritis all have in common?  Uric acid!  For the last hundred years, uric acid has been largely ignored by the medical profession unless you showed up with the symptoms of gout.  The classic […]

Health Articles

Fighting Aging

  One of my patients, Debbie, asked if I would do a newsletter on how to fight aging.  Her thought was 10 Tips for Fighting Aging.  That sounded like a great idea, so I started tackling the subject.  I quickly noticed, as I started writing down ideas, that this is actually a very complex subject.  There […]

Health Articles

Linoleic Acid

  Linoleic acid may sound like some weird chemical you might think you have never consumed.  But the truth is the average American has 15 to 20% of the calories in their diet coming from linoleic acid.  Compare that to 150 years ago when the average consumption was 1 – 3%.  Linoleic acid is the […]

Health Articles


  Did you know that gallbladder removal surgery is one of the most common surgeries performed in the United States?  Every year hundreds of thousands of patients have their gallbladders removed.  What’s up with that?  Clearly, gallbladders are not designed to suddenly crap out and go bad, and yet our doctors believe this is happening.  […]

Health Articles

Toenail Fungus

  One of the toughest conditions I have come across is toenail fungus.  Patients I have had have been fighting this for years.  Some of the drugs that doctors try to prescribe for this are truly scary; very dangerous.  And even with these super powerful drugs, the fungus persists.  A couple of years ago my […]

Health Articles


  The title sounds like a contradiction in terms.  Ketogenic diets are associated with eating lots of fatty meats, cheeses, eggs, and nuts.  Vegetarian diets, on the other hand, are associated with lots of steamed vegetables, salads, legumes, whole grains, and wheatgrass juice.  On the surface, these appear to be at opposite ends of the […]

Health Articles

Sugar Brain

What do fatigue, dizziness, irritability, insomnia, excessive sweating, poor concentration, forgetfulness, excessive thirst, depression, anxiety, aggressiveness, crying spells, mood swings, and blurred vision all have in common?  They are all symptoms of blood sugar imbalances.  Specialists say that poor blood sugar issues are the single biggest factor in mood disorders in patients.  Back when I […]

Health Articles

New Gut Information

  Last week my brother sent me a link to an interview with a researcher in Hungary looking into the root causes of blood sugar issues like metabolic syndrome and type 2 diabetes. The information was fascinating to me because it was all about hormones that were not even discovered until 1971, and never mentioned […]