Health Articles

Pain for no reason

I am certain most of you have experienced some part of your body hurting for no apparent reason. You wake up one morning with a backache, a shoulder ache, or an inability to put weight on your foot, and you frantically try to recall any actions that might have caused the pain, but nothing seems […]

Health Articles

The Edge

  In today’s newsletter, I want to discuss a powerful concept that applies to both life and health. A common description I use when talking to a patient about exercising an injured joint is to stretch the joint up to the edge of pain; not into pain but just to the edge. This simple phrase […]

Health Articles


  One of my patients asked me to write an article about kindness. Her concept was we would have a better world if everyone simply applied a little more kindness to others in their daily lives. I let that settle into the back of my mind to see what would ferment. On the surface, this […]

Health Articles


Recently our attention has been channeled toward the subject of increasing the amount of play in our lives.  Ellen and I are both confirmed workaholics.  We live to work; we love to work.  For some strange reason, however, the balance in our life is demanding we also learn how to play.  I have never considered myself deficient in play […]

Health Articles

Nation of Addicts

We are a nation of addicts.  The numbers for the socially unacceptable addictions are scary: 51.8% of people over 12 drink alcohol 23.1% (40.6% of young adults) have binge drunk in the last 30 days 24.7% of Americans use tobacco 68% of the population is overweight or obese 35% to 69% of Americans by state […]

Health Articles

Inhale, Exhale

Take a deep breath in and just hold it in a relaxed manner for a while. What makes you want to exhale? Now try the opposite, exhale all the way and just hold that state at rest for a bit. What makes you want to inhale? I don’t find any thinking involved, just a strong […]

Health Articles

Self Love

This topic has been coming home lately as an important foundation piece on which we build our lives.  As I have had conversations with Ellen and several patients, I am discovering that self-love seems to be very vague in their minds.  Everyone agrees that it is very important, but just what it is and what […]