Health Articles

Self Esteem

  A month ago our spiritual support circle embarked upon an investigation of the practical application of love. For the last couple of years, we have focused on various spiritual principles that are designed to unblock our functional participation with life. Ultimately, this was supposed to result in a greater flow of love in our […]

Health Articles


Recently our attention has been channeled toward the subject of increasing the amount of play in our lives.  Ellen and I are both confirmed workaholics.  We live to work; we love to work.  For some strange reason, however, the balance in our life is demanding we also learn how to play.  I have never considered myself deficient in play […]

Health Articles

Feel it

As anyone who survived the psychological wave of the ’80s and ’90s knows, “To heal it you have to feel it.”  I have found that this aphorism to be very true but generally misunderstood.  Considering some of the “breakthrough techniques” introduced back in those days, the confusion is quite understandable.  On the surface, the idea […]

Health Articles

Desirable Difficulties

Last week I was reading an article on how to make your kids successful, when I came across a phrase that described a key component to success – desirable difficulty.   This is a conversation I have been having concerning today’s youth for a long time.  I have seen the direction our public education system has taken […]

Health Articles

Game of Life

Life is an interesting adventure.  Usually we don’t look at it as an adventure.  Adventures are for super heroes and special people in books and movies.  Adventures involve excitement and risk taking.  And at least in the books and movies the fate of the world hangs in the balance.  But if we take out the […]

Health Articles


For the last several weeks my focus has been on motivation.  The reason is very simple, I can give a person the greatest information and guidance in the world, but if they are not motivated to follow that guidance then there was no point in even knowing that information.  At the end of the day the […]

Health Articles

Belonging First

The year 2017 has arrived.  It looks like the winds of change are upon us.  New times and new challenges await us in this coming year.  To set the tone for the New Year I wanted to consider the deepest priority and motivator that I believe drives us in what we do.  I have been […]