Linoleic acid may sound like some weird chemical you might think you have never consumed. But the truth is the average American has 15 to 20% of the calories in their diet coming from linoleic acid. Compare that to 150 years ago when the average consumption was 1 – 3%. Linoleic acid is the […]
Tag: mitochondria
Red Light Therapy
If you have been into the office lately for a treatment, you may have noticed a big red light therapy panel on top of the bookcase shining red light down onto the tilting table you lay upon while I adjust you. What is this all about? The simple answer is that red light is […]
The title sounds like a contradiction in terms. Ketogenic diets are associated with eating lots of fatty meats, cheeses, eggs, and nuts. Vegetarian diets, on the other hand, are associated with lots of steamed vegetables, salads, legumes, whole grains, and wheatgrass juice. On the surface, these appear to be at opposite ends of the […]
More Memory
A patient called the office the other day asking if I had anything for memory. I told Sherry to say yes, but the answer to that question is like saying yes I have something to improve health. Memory support is a huge subject because so many different things affect memory. There is no magic pill […]
Spot Reduction
Many years ago a much beloved fairy tale floated around the health and physical culture environments, the tale of magical spot reduction. It seems most everyone has a particularly obnoxious area on their body that likes to accumulate extra fat. For some people that area is the pouch around the belly button and for others it is […]
Slow Squats
A couple weeks ago I wrote about little movements that can make a world of difference in our health. Three minutes, two or three times a day, of vigorous, but very simple movement triggers a flood of nitric oxide into our blood stream opening up our blood flow throughout our body. It is good blood […]