Health Articles


This week I have a guest author, a long term client of Ellen’s, Yvonne Koenig. My interest was piqued when she told me that her long standing back scoliosis issue was resolving with her hypnotherapy work. That is pretty amazing, so I asked her to write an article about hypnotherapy for my newsletter audience. Here […]

Health Articles


  Last weekend I went to a seminar titled Building a Better Brain.  The seminar email said that it was about how to treat Alzheimer’s and cognitive decline.  The lecturer was a kick-ass gal from Georgia who really knew her stuff.  More importantly, she was in actual clinical practice dealing with real patients every day.  This […]

Health Articles

Mental Neurotransmitters

  Over the last five newsletters, I have covered many different aspects of our physiology that directly affect how we think and feel.  Much of this impact comes from the effect various physiological processes have on our production and regulation of the neurotransmitters in our brain.  This week we are focusing in on ground zero for mental […]

Health Articles

Moody Hormones

  No discussion of mental health would be complete without looking at the relationship between hormones and their impact on mood disorders.  Any woman who has had a typical American lifestyle has experienced the impact of hormones on her mood.  So most of us are aware of this hormone mood connection, but just how far down this […]

Health Articles

Nutrition for Mental Health part 1

  Last weekend I went to a nutrition class focused on how to address nutritional causes of mental health issues.  It was excellent.  It took a lot of the knowledge I already had and extended it in ways I had not thought of before.  Simple little strategies that anyone can do at home can make […]

Health Articles

Sleep 2

Sleep, the subject sounds like a totally boring topic.  After all, everybody sleeps, no big deal, right?  Everybody eats also, but how many books and articles,  podcasts, and websites are dedicated to the subject of eating?  Sleep is just as profound in its importance to our health.  There is a ton of research on the […]

Health Articles

Belly Fat

There is fat and there is belly fat.  Most people think that the two are one and the same, but they are not.  Fat on your hips and tush and fat on your chest and arms are energy storage depots for times when you do not have a regular food supply.  In a healthy person […]