Health Articles

Rejuvenation or detoxification?

  If you are reading this on Sunday, I will be finishing the third week of a detoxification fast.  That sounds like it would be hard, but as I will show you in this newsletter, it is not difficult at all.  But first, we have to understand the different kinds of fasting, what they are […]

Health Articles


  Last weekend I went to a seminar titled Building a Better Brain.  The seminar email said that it was about how to treat Alzheimer’s and cognitive decline.  The lecturer was a kick-ass gal from Georgia who really knew her stuff.  More importantly, she was in actual clinical practice dealing with real patients every day.  This […]

Health Articles

Gut Reset

  A couple of weeks ago a study was published by researchers at the Stanford School of Medicine on the results of comparing the effects of a 10-week diet high in fiber compared to a diet high in fermented vegetables.  There has been a ton of research showing how the lack of fiber in the diet […]

Health Articles

Fiber Fast

What are the most powerful things you can do for your health?  There is a lot of variability in just how these factors might look because people are variable.  We all have slightly different genes, which means we all have different strengths and weaknesses.  But in general, the top health promoters are: Good sleep/relaxationProper exerciseHealthy […]

Health Articles

Veggie Rejuvenation

Are you feeling run down, tired, or you just don’t have the pep and stamina you used to have?  I know we want to think that this is simply normal aging, but it isn’t.  We have a deeply ingrained mindset in our culture about how life looks and feels as we age.  We believe it […]

Health Articles recipes


One of the challenges of living a Keto–Paleo lifestyle is finding anything resembling familiar foods.  It would be ideal when engaging a major shift like this to be able to wipe your memory of all your past experiences in the area of change so you could start fresh.  But that is not available to us […]

Health Articles


Most people struggle with depression and anxiety at times. On the surface this appears to be a simple consequence of our high stress lifestyles in this day and age. Life is happening faster and faster. We process progressively more information every year. We are literally bombarded with a huge diversity of data through our phones, […]

Health Articles

Protein Recycling

We live in a truly wonderful age for reasons we completely take for granted, like sewers and garbage service.  Turn the clock back just a couple hundred years and your typical London home had a cesspit beneath the house that, when full, would then flow into a trough in the middle of the street and hopefully flow […]

Health Articles recipes

Broom bread

One of the important aspects of doing a detox diet is getting the poisons all the way out of your system.  In my past when I would do water fasts to clean out my system, there was no consideration for this need.  Water fasting is a very traditional method of detoxification, but I now believe […]

Health Articles


Poisons, poisons everywhere.  I have written many articles on the huge variety of poisons in our food, water, air, and living environments.  We have considered diet changes, water purification, air cleaners, and a host of replacement products for the toxic ones sold at the stores to clean our houses and selves with. But the truth is, […]