Health Articles


  How is your grip? This is probably something you never think about unless you find you are unable to open a jar of peanut butter anymore. But grip strength is much more than just accessing delicious ground peanuts, a lot more. Your grip strength is an indicator of the strength of the muscles all […]

Health Articles

Ultimate Body Makeover part 3

  As promised last week, we are going to look at physical therapies and exercise that are an intrinsic part of a body makeover. So far we have focused on healing the gut and reducing systemic inflammation. Our head should be clearer and our gut happier. Now let’s focus on the body at large, and that refers […]

Health Articles

Fat or Sugar?

  For a couple of months now I have been researching the inflammatory properties of the fats we consume. I thought I had a pretty good handle on the subject before I started my research this time due to a dive into the subject I made about 20 years ago. Back then the exciting knowledge […]

Health Articles


  I was trying to come up with a topic to write about for this newsletter this morning and the subject of niacinamide kept popping up. I have no idea why that would come up other than I had just made up a fresh batch of the nutrient drink powder Ellen and I use daily […]

Health Articles


  I have been bumping up against this challenge in lots of folks lately. Most recently I went up to my mother’s house to help her celebrate her 93rd birthday. Her older sister, Sylvia, was there as well. I had brought up dinner and a keto angel food cake for the occasion. In the two hours […]

Health Articles

Use It

  One of the favorite health expressions that get tossed about a lot is the ever-popular use-it-or-lose it.  Generally, this trope is used in reference to your muscles where reality is easily observable.  It is easy to see on yourself when you slack off on your exercise regime and your muscle tone goes to crap.  […]

Health Articles

Rejuvenation or detoxification?

  If you are reading this on Sunday, I will be finishing the third week of a detoxification fast.  That sounds like it would be hard, but as I will show you in this newsletter, it is not difficult at all.  But first, we have to understand the different kinds of fasting, what they are […]

Health Articles

Veggie Brain Cleaning

I just spent last weekend at a seminar on brain aging and brain development in the young.  These two subjects were put together because the undeveloped brain of an infant or young child has a lot of similarities to the degenerated brain function as one ages and goes into dementia.  We begin life as a […]

Health Articles

Super Slow

Hi , One of the essentials to health that I rarely talk about is muscle strength.  I have written a lot about its first cousin – balance, but not so much about simple muscle strength.  I have even written about its other cousin – flexibility.  But we really need all three to live the life […]

Health Articles

Paleo Diet

Hi , This last weekend I read the book “The Paleo Solution” by Robb Wolf.  I have been a fan of the concepts of eating the way our ancestors did before we developed agriculture, but somehow I had never gotten around to reading this basic primer in eating the Paleo way.  I want to tell […]