Health Articles


DMSO is an amazing solvent with powerful anti-inflammatory actions. It can also carry other molecules through the skin down to deeper tissues, including medications. A little over a year ago, I wrote another article about my experiences using DMSO to combat joint pain. This property stimulated me to create a couple of products for the office, one […]

Health Articles


  Way back when I was in college in the early 70s, I remember hearing about students using horse liniment made from DMSO on their sports injuries and getting great results. I re-encountered DMSO while in Chiropractic school as a tool for getting medications into the body without having to use a needle. This was […]

Health Articles


  A patient came in the other day saying that he had found a new miracle drug for inflammation – boron!  He had been taking just a few milligrams a day for a week and his knee pain and restriction had completely gone away.  That sounded pretty impressive to me.  I knew of the importance […]

Health Articles


  As of this date, there are over 130 research studies underway on the effects of the ketogenic diet.  Despite all sorts of so-called experts claiming that a keto diet could be dangerous, the reality is showing all of these claims to be false.  None of the supposed dangers are showing up in lab tests […]

Health Articles


A couple of weeks ago the trade magazine Chiropractic Economics emailed me a link to a free e-book on treating arthritis.  The book was 60 pages long and reviewed several approaches to dealing with arthritis.  Since arthritis is certainly a common concern for many patients, I thought I would cover some of the highlights from […]

Health Articles

Head Forward

Back in the old days, a head forward posture was the sign of a serious nerd or other types of bookworm or the special province of people over 60.  Since the development of computers, and now even worse the cell phone, the head forward posture is a modern epidemic.  Whatever posture we assume a lot […]

Health Articles


I carry a lot of different supplements in my office for treating many different conditions and ailments.  Yet 90% of what patients ask for and pick up are natural supports for pain relief.  Pain seems to be a big problem these days.  A shocking statistic I came across the other day is that opioids are […]

Health Articles

Spices 2

Hi , Do you know where spices are really good to use this time of year? The barbecue.  Yes, we have to be aware of obtaining good quality meats for our barbecue prepared meals.  We don’t want chickens full of arsenic and meats full of antibiotics and growth hormones.  So at a minimum, purchase meats […]

Health Articles

Brain Allergies

Do you ever have food cravings…urges for a particular food that makes you feel better even when you are full?  Have you experienced eating a favorite food only to end up hungrier than before you ate it?  Do you have any foods that you really can’t imagine going days or weeks without? If you answer […]

Health Articles

The Hormone You Probably Need More Of

What hormone regulates your immune system and protects you from cancer, type I diabetes, multiple sclerosis, and rheumatoid arthritis?  This same hormone is critical to over 2000 pathways in your body.  And yet this hormone level is low in most Americans because of our lifestyle.  What hormone is this – Vitamin D.  We have always thought of Vitamin […]