Health Articles

Magnesium Oil for Pain

What is the number one biggest nutritional deficiency in America?  As you might guess from the title of this article, the correct answer is magnesium.  It is estimated that 60% of Americans are deficient in magnesium.  Magnesium is essential for normal muscle and nerve function, immune function, heart rhythm, and building bones.  We need about […]

Health Articles


What is the most commonly deficient nutrient in the American diet?  As you might guess from the title of the article, it is magnesium.  As a rule Americans get most of the vitamins and minerals they need to prevent actual deficiency diseases like scurvy or beriberi due to the enrichment of common foods like flour, […]

Health Articles

Brain Allergies

Do you ever have food cravings…urges for a particular food that makes you feel better even when you are full?  Have you experienced eating a favorite food only to end up hungrier than before you ate it?  Do you have any foods that you really can’t imagine going days or weeks without? If you answer […]