Welcome to the New Year! With the New Year comes the resolutions for improving your life in the coming year. Probably the most common resolution chosen in this country is weight loss. This is likely a reflection of the fact that 74% of Americans are overweight. Worse than that, 42% of adults over the age […]
Tag: anxiety
One of my patients asked me to write an article about kindness. Her concept was we would have a better world if everyone simply applied a little more kindness to others in their daily lives. I let that settle into the back of my mind to see what would ferment. On the surface, this […]
Pretty Dream
The sentiments of the holiday season prompt me to wax philosophic about the nature of life here on planet earth. Looking at what is said on Christmas cards and in holiday messages, it seems as though we have figured out a huge truth. The true purpose of life is to love. As corny as […]
Last week I promised to reveal to you the single biggest thinking/feeling mistake that is responsible for most of the suffering in our lives. The last six newsletters have been about nutritional and physical causes behind mental health issues like depression and anxiety. The big message I wanted to get across is that very […]
Sugar Brain
What do fatigue, dizziness, irritability, insomnia, excessive sweating, poor concentration, forgetfulness, excessive thirst, depression, anxiety, aggressiveness, crying spells, mood swings, and blurred vision all have in common? They are all symptoms of blood sugar imbalances. Specialists say that poor blood sugar issues are the single biggest factor in mood disorders in patients. Back when I […]
B Vitamins
This story begins back in the 17th and 18th centuries in Europe. A wonderful new food from the Americas, corn, was brought back to Europe and widely cultivated. It seemed like an excellent food source as it yielded much larger crops per acre than wheat or barley. The problem was that after a while people started […]
Last weekend I went to a nutrition class focused on how to address nutritional causes of mental health issues. It was excellent. It took a lot of the knowledge I already had and extended it in ways I had not thought of before. Simple little strategies that anyone can do at home can make […]
Childhood Beliefs
When we enter into this world as a newborn, we are grappling with a vast world of unknowns. Our brains are supercharged to learn. We take in and process incredible amounts of new information without any context or rules for understanding any of it. We are trying to make sense out of lights, sounds, and […]
Most people struggle with depression and anxiety at times. On the surface this appears to be a simple consequence of our high stress lifestyles in this day and age. Life is happening faster and faster. We process progressively more information every year. We are literally bombarded with a huge diversity of data through our phones, […]
Basic Reset
About a week ago I read a book on vagus nerve function and clinical applications. The vagus nerve has been described as the rest and digest nerve that comes out from the base of your skull and travels down to most all of your internal organs like the heart, lungs, and digestive system. This would normally be […]