Health Articles

Brain Inflammation

Two weeks ago I spent Saturday and Sunday glued to the computer screen from 8:30 to 5:30 for a teleconference class on brain inflammation. This may seem like a really boring topic, and it would be if there wasnot a very real probability that this is the underlying cause for the physical and emotional challenges you […]

Health Articles

Spot Reduction

Many years ago a much beloved fairy tale floated around the health and physical culture environments, the tale of magical spot reduction.  It seems most everyone has a particularly obnoxious area on their body that likes to accumulate extra fat.  For some people that area is the pouch around the belly button and for others it is […]

Health Articles

Game of Life

Life is an interesting adventure.  Usually we don’t look at it as an adventure.  Adventures are for super heroes and special people in books and movies.  Adventures involve excitement and risk taking.  And at least in the books and movies the fate of the world hangs in the balance.  But if we take out the […]

Health Articles

Foot Pain

Several patients this last week have come in with foot troubles.  When several people come in with the same trouble, I figure it is time to do an article on this issue.  Specifically, these patient’s troubles were all from the same basic cause even though the manifest symptoms seemed different. In our modern world we […]

Health Articles recipes

Keto Flax Muffins

As most of you know, I live a paleo-keto lifestyle most of the time, and have for over twenty years.  Right now I am playing with a variation that involves cyclic green fasting – 3 to 4 days of eating just greens followed by 3 to 4 days of high protein and a touch of carbs […]

Health Articles

More Protein

We are made of protein.  Protein is the structural element of everything living.  Protein is made out of tiny pieces called amino acids.  They function like Lego blocks and pieces.  With enough pieces you can make just about anything.  Amino acids only contain 10 to 20 atoms each and in the human body there are 22 […]

Health Articles

Prototype for Perfection

Deep within each of us is a blueprint for our ultimate perfect expression. It is the potential we have within us to become awesome.  This is not some vague wish-fulfillment fantasy fluff, but real hard-core potential unique to each of us.  It is built into our genes and epigenetic coding, and offers us the fulfillment of […]

Health Articles

Basic Reset

About a week ago I read a book on vagus nerve function and clinical applications. The vagus nerve has been described as the rest and digest nerve that comes out from the base of your skull and travels down to most all of your internal organs like the heart, lungs, and digestive system.  This would normally be […]

Health Articles


A significant issue we all get to face as we age is the loss of the strength of our bones.  I have written about the physiology of our bones and the nutrition necessary to support their continued strength.  The focus of that information was that our bones are primarily made of protein.  As such we need to support […]

Health Articles

Protein Recycling

We live in a truly wonderful age for reasons we completely take for granted, like sewers and garbage service.  Turn the clock back just a couple hundred years and your typical London home had a cesspit beneath the house that, when full, would then flow into a trough in the middle of the street and hopefully flow […]