Health Articles


  The title sounds like a contradiction in terms.  Ketogenic diets are associated with eating lots of fatty meats, cheeses, eggs, and nuts.  Vegetarian diets, on the other hand, are associated with lots of steamed vegetables, salads, legumes, whole grains, and wheatgrass juice.  On the surface, these appear to be at opposite ends of the […]

Health Articles


  Last week I promised to reveal to you the single biggest thinking/feeling mistake that is responsible for most of the suffering in our lives.  The last six newsletters have been about nutritional and physical causes behind mental health issues like depression and anxiety.  The big message I wanted to get across is that very […]

Health Articles

Mental Neurotransmitters

  Over the last five newsletters, I have covered many different aspects of our physiology that directly affect how we think and feel.  Much of this impact comes from the effect various physiological processes have on our production and regulation of the neurotransmitters in our brain.  This week we are focusing in on ground zero for mental […]

Health Articles

Moody Hormones

  No discussion of mental health would be complete without looking at the relationship between hormones and their impact on mood disorders.  Any woman who has had a typical American lifestyle has experienced the impact of hormones on her mood.  So most of us are aware of this hormone mood connection, but just how far down this […]

Health Articles

Sugar Brain

What do fatigue, dizziness, irritability, insomnia, excessive sweating, poor concentration, forgetfulness, excessive thirst, depression, anxiety, aggressiveness, crying spells, mood swings, and blurred vision all have in common?  They are all symptoms of blood sugar imbalances.  Specialists say that poor blood sugar issues are the single biggest factor in mood disorders in patients.  Back when I […]

Health Articles

B Vitamins

  This story begins back in the 17th and 18th centuries in Europe.  A wonderful new food from the Americas, corn, was brought back to Europe and widely cultivated.  It seemed like an excellent food source as it yielded much larger crops per acre than wheat or barley.  The problem was that after a while people started […]

Health Articles

Nutrition for Mental Health part 1

  Last weekend I went to a nutrition class focused on how to address nutritional causes of mental health issues.  It was excellent.  It took a lot of the knowledge I already had and extended it in ways I had not thought of before.  Simple little strategies that anyone can do at home can make […]

Health Articles

Senior Exercise

  You know what?  Getting older is a drag!  That’s right, not what I signed up for when I started this cruise.  As soon as you start to get a clue, someone takes the wind out of your sails.  Why is it that the less you know about what you are doing, the more energy you have to do […]

Health Articles


  We live to connect.  Connection is one of the fundamental purposes of conscious existence.  Connection creates both purpose and meaning in life.  Imagine being stranded alone on a desert island with no hope of ever being rescued.  Initially, you scramble around just trying to survive, but once you get a survival routine established, you […]

Health Articles


  As the years go by, the single biggest indication of the passage of time in my body seems to be the gradual loss of energy.  This is not just a personal observation, but it is in fact the single biggest complaint given by patients to every doctor.  When asked what they want most in […]