Health Articles

Nutrition for Mental Health part 1

  Last weekend I went to a nutrition class focused on how to address nutritional causes of mental health issues.  It was excellent.  It took a lot of the knowledge I already had and extended it in ways I had not thought of before.  Simple little strategies that anyone can do at home can make […]

Health Articles


What is a nutritious diet?  No matter what eating style you prefer, everyone at least agrees that nutritious food is the way to go.  But the word nutritious is kind of vague.  It kind of says that you want food that has stuff in it that is good for you, that will support your body.  Right […]

Health Articles


When I took pathology in Chiropractic school it was taught by a gentleman from India.  He was a pathology professor at USC and was moonlighting by teaching at our little school.  His cultural viewpoint provided a valuable perspective on understanding disease that was not available from the Western perspective.  He taught that all the thousands of […]

Health Articles


Do we need supplements?  Can’t we get all the nutrition we need from our food?  Why should we take a bunch of pills every day? These are actually very good questions that deserve some very good answers.  Let’s start with the question of getting all we need from our food.  The simple answer is yes; […]

Health Articles

All calories are not the same!

For the last 100 years the basic chant of nutrition science has been the same everywhere – “a calorie is a calorie.”  The idea is that all foods break down into little chemicals that provide fuel for our cells.  The belief was that it didn’t matter what the food started out as, because by the […]


Additive medicine vs. subtractive medicine

Your body manages its health through two basic mechanisms – facilitation and inhibition.  Facilitation means the body makes more of something happen, while inhibition means it makes less of something happen.  Facilitation adds information and activity, while inhibition subtracts or decreases information and activity.  This reality is most clearly expressed in the brain.  These are […]

Health Articles

The Perfect Diet part 2

Last time I talked about discriminating between what is actually known about nutrition and what is simply believed.  Understandably, different beliefs will come about because people will have different personal experiences with food because of their unique genetic and metabolic makeup.  If one person knows from repeated experience that eating a carb-rich meal makes their […]

Health Articles

Heart Surgeon Apologizes

 How is your first Health Challenge going – eliminating seed oils from your diet ?  Challenge Number 1 is pretty easy for the bottles of oil you have at home, you just toss them out.  It is a little tougher to replace the products that are full of these oils like mayonnaise, dressings, bakery products, margarine, chips, […]

Health Articles

Health Priorities part 2

 Thanks everyone for all the positive feedback you have been giving me at the office…and as many of you have asked, yes, please feel free to forward this email to anyone you feel might be interested.        In this newsletter we are going to discuss the vital process of eating right.  This is a huge subject […]