Health Articles

Freedom revisited

  It has been seven years since I wrote about the subject of freedom. The last time was July 3rd, 2016. A lot has happened since July of 2016, so I thought I would see if my perceptions have changed since way back then. Back then Obama was still president and we were in the throws […]

Health Articles

Feeling Guidance

Guidance from our feelings is a critical part of our spiritual growth.  The common phrase “let your feelings guide you” or “be guided by your heart” is standard advice from the spiritual growth crowd.  The problem is no one really tells us just what this means or how to do it.  It is like it is […]

Health Articles

Individuality and Nutrition

The cornerstone of nutritional science is the belief that scientific studies can determine what is best for you to eat.  In science observing what happens to a single individual is considered basically worthless.  It is called anecdotal evidence.  Real science is concerned with studies on large populations of people or lab animals, because science wants […]

Health Articles

Where do feelings come from?

Ellen asked me this the other day.  We were sitting in the car at the farmer’s market.  I had just picked up some persimmons with which to try to make persimmon jam.  She was not feeling ok and had me do a silent muscle test to see if the not ok feeling was a “I’m […]

Health Articles


I have been fasting for two weeks now, doing what I am now calling the Full Belly Fast.  It is a very different experience for me compared to my usual water fasting.  It does not even feel like fasting because I am eating several times a day.  I always have a full belly.  Normally with […]

Health Articles

Saying Yes

  Do you say yes to life, or is your life one of limitations, inhibitions, and restrictions?  This is not the simple question it appears to be.  It is a question about the functional neurology between your ears. These last couple months have been a personal education in neurology for me as I work with […]

Health Articles

Learning to Fly

When we stand on the edge of the now moment and look into the unknown, our heart may find itself feeling uneasy.  I liken this uneasy feeling to the quivering of muscles just before they burst into action.  In this case the heart area is where our “wing” muscles attach.  While this is a metaphor, […]

Health Articles

New Purpose

Well another New Year is upon us.  2014 has ended.  It has been a long year for many people.  But now it is time to contemplate what we want to create for the New Year.  The holidays are over and the quiet reality of 2015 is just now sinking in.  Do we look forward to […]