Health Articles

Feeling Work

Way back in 1972 mind-body interactions were the subject of philosopher’s arguments.  No one had any inkling that this subject would have any real world applications.  Back then I was a sophomore at UC Davis pursuing a double major in physics and psychology.  My goal at that time was to become a parapsychologist.  I wanted to […]

Health Articles


Ellen and I were laying around in bed this morning engaging in our favorite activity – philosophic inquiry.  Not having to get up early is one of the great things about weekends.  Ellen will pose various questions and I will use muscle testing the unconscious mind to pull up interesting answers.  After about an hour […]

Health Articles

The Whole Point

Why are we here? We are here to grow up.  What does that mean? Typically we get loaded up with lies and misperceptions when we are young due to simple misunderstandings created by our youth as well as traditional false beliefs passed down from parents.  The lies put us in fear and make us miserable. […]

Health Articles

The Prime Default

Ellen and I have been spending the last week focusing on the question “Just what is the core cause of human stress and suffering?”  Periodically life lessons converge in such a way that routine situational and personal skill development answers don’t reach the core of the driving issues underneath the lessons.  This last week was […]

Health Articles

Where do feelings come from?

Ellen asked me this the other day.  We were sitting in the car at the farmer’s market.  I had just picked up some persimmons with which to try to make persimmon jam.  She was not feeling ok and had me do a silent muscle test to see if the not ok feeling was a “I’m […]

Health Articles

Happiness Issue

Welcome to the mid-September issue of my newsletter.  Has anybody noticed the Christmas decoration displays out already?  Whoa, I wasn’t ready for that one.  I might start keeping my eye out for presents in October and November, but worrying about Santa Claus lawn decorations the day after Labor Day is pushing things just a bit […]