Health Articles

Charlie Horse

Imagine you are laying there in bed all cozy and comfy and you shift your leg or foot a bit when bam, your leg or foot suddendly goes into an intense spasm. What do you do? You try moving the leg around to see if a different position will make the spasm disappear. Sometimes this works, but […]

Health Articles

Heat vs. Cold

  A frequent argument among clinicians treating muscle and joint pain is over which is better, heat or cold therapy. I find this behavior common in many areas of life. People want to know what is the best thing to do in each situation. If we lived in a digital world of just ones and […]

Health Articles


  Three weeks ago after finishing up my shower in the morning, I bent forward to squeegee the water off the walls. All of a sudden my back seized up.  Now the odd thing was that being bent forward was not the problem.  It was when I tried to straighten up that it grabbed me.  […]

Health Articles

How much is right?

This seemingly simple little question is almost always answered wrong.  Just how much should you do anything?  For me, this came into sharp awareness recently while working with my sweetie Ellen while her back was seized up for a week.  Essential to recovering from a seized up back is movement.  Movement hurts so her natural […]

Health Articles

Recovery Time

One of the thoughts every new patient has when they come for their first visit is “how long will it take to heal my injury so my pain will go away?”  I know that is the first thing on my mind.  This newsletter will try to answer that question. First things first – pain means […]

Health Articles

Movin’ dem Bones

Have you ever wondered just what it is I really do?  Yes, I am a Doctor of Chiropractic, but that doesn’t really say anything about what I actually am doing when you come in for a visit.  You know from experience that your pain decreases and your function improves, and that is really the point.  […]

Health Articles

Leg Cramps

You are laying in bed asleep.  It is about 2 in the morning and all of a sudden you are awoken by a sharp stabbing pain in your thigh or foot or maybe even in your forearm and hand.  The muscles in the stabbing area are tight as can be and nothing you do seems […]

Health Articles


We had a little Octoberfest party in the court in our neighborhood this past weekend. Everybody in the neighborhood brought a pot luck dish and we all sat around in a big circle chatting while the kids rode bikes and played basketball.  Phil, my across the street neighbor, has one of those commercial snow cone […]

Health Articles

Referred Pain

As I am sitting here on this toasty day, I am experiencing a stabbing pain in my lower mid-back that radiates around to the ribs on my right side.  This pain has been my companion for the last three days.  Like most pains it seems much stronger at night as there is nothing to distract […]