Health Articles

Natural Flow

I had an interesting dream a couple of weeks ago. Like most of my dreams, I am in an observer position, like I am watching a movie. In this dream, I was overhearing one person explain to another the essence of how to have a happy life. The essential point he was making was that […]

Health Articles

Self Love part 2

Self-love is the most significant factor in your life that determines your happiness and sense of fulfillment. Yet, we must be taught how to achieve this deeply needed relationship with self in this culture. Other cultures in other times have focused heavily on this inner relationship. However, American culture has been focused on outer accomplishment […]

Health Articles


Frequently in these newsletters, I have described various bodily conditions and symptoms that have stress as the bottom cause behind their manifestation. Face it, too much stress messes us up. A little bit of stress is necessary to provide interest and motivation in life. However, excessive or prolonged chronic stress only breaks us down. In […]

Health Articles


Ellen and I have been focusing on the subject of self-love for the last week or so. Once we get interested in a subject, we seem to attract many different perspectives from those around us on the subject of interest without asking. Sometimes it is like the world is just a big textbook, and when […]

Health Articles


The holidays are here. As a care provider, I see a huge increase in stress-related health concerns. Let’s face it, the holidays are stressful. There is all the shopping for other people when you have no idea what they want or would like. Or you cheat and give out gift cards knowing that at least […]

Health Articles

Thanksgiving again

  It’s that time of year again; time for feasting with friends and family in a communal appreciation for those friends and family.  These people in our lives give us a sense of meaning and purpose beyond simply surviving and acquiring the latest cool gadgets. Family belonging fills a special part of our core being […]

Health Articles


  What is wisdom?  When I look it up in the dictionary I get a woefully inadequate definition:  Having the quality of being wise.  Now that is completely useless!  Let’s try the next line:  Knowledge of what is true and right coupled with just judgment as to action.  Again useless as truth, righteousness, and justice are entirely culturally […]

Health Articles


  As I am writing this, I am celebrating my 69th birthday.  Today felt like a good time to solidify my thoughts on love.  I have avoided using the word love in my writings or conversations for a long time.  It has always seemed like the word only invites confusion as everyone seems to have a […]


Self Love 2

Self-love is one of the most profound gifts of spiritual growth.  It is also one of the most difficult challenges we face in our life journey.  Self-love is generated through the integration of many other spiritual challenges.  But why would we want to achieve something so difficult?  It sounds good, but what does it really […]

Health Articles

Self Love

This topic has been coming home lately as an important foundation piece on which we build our lives.  As I have had conversations with Ellen and several patients, I am discovering that self-love seems to be very vague in their minds.  Everyone agrees that it is very important, but just what it is and what […]