Health Articles

Sustained Keto

I had two patients in a row the other day that had essentially the same question.  I take this as a sign that I need to do an article on that subject.  Both patients had tried to do a keto diet in the past and had gotten good results, but had been unable to keep […]

Health Articles recipes


One of the challenges of living a Keto–Paleo lifestyle is finding anything resembling familiar foods.  It would be ideal when engaging a major shift like this to be able to wipe your memory of all your past experiences in the area of change so you could start fresh.  But that is not available to us […]

Health Articles recipes

Keto Flax Muffins

As most of you know, I live a paleo-keto lifestyle most of the time, and have for over twenty years.  Right now I am playing with a variation that involves cyclic green fasting – 3 to 4 days of eating just greens followed by 3 to 4 days of high protein and a touch of carbs […]

Health Articles


So the new year is still fresh and you still plan to live 2019 as healthy as possible.  Right off the bat you have chosen a serious challenge.  The single biggest thing that impacts your health is what you put into your mouth and allow into your lungs.  It seems super obvious that the first step […]

Health Articles recipes


Thanksgiving is almost here.  This year we are going over to my cousin’s house for the big family get together.  Ellen and I like to come up with unusual and unique foods to bring to these affairs as they are pot luck with the hosts providing the turkey.  I will probably bring several things like […]

Health Articles

Holiday Stress Revisited

This topic was suggested to me by one of my patients as a good subject with which to start the holiday season.  With the onslaught of costumed sugar addicts at my door the other night, I would say the holidays are officially in full swing.  Somehow the season of good cheer also is the season […]

Health Articles

The Magic Pill

Last week one of my patients told me about a documentary on Netflix called The Magic Pill.  It is about regular people engaging a ketogenic diet lifestyle and the amazing results it produces in their lives.  I was immediately attracted, so Ellen and I watched the show Thursday night.  It was excellent on many levels.  I highly recommend […]

Health Articles recipes

Chocolate Fudge Avocado Cake

As most of you know I am pretty dedicated to my keto lifestyle.  I have been in nutritional ketosis for over ten years now.  Every now and then I will take a week off to re-stimulate my system’s production of insulin.  When you don’t eat carbs, you don’t use your insulin much.  But you need […]

Health Articles

A Fresh Start

A new year is beginning and since it is a new beginning it is a great time to start a new health goal.  New Year’s is a traditional time for creating new goals.  Everybody likes to start a new diet to take off all that extra weight put on by holiday eating.  Unfortunately the reality […]

Health Articles

Cauliflower Rice

Years ago I heard about making “rice” out of cauliflower.  My first thought was why?  Why would I want to make rice out of cauliflower when I could make rice out of rice?  I was already making an awesome cauliflower mash that had replaced mashed potatoes, mostly because I didn’t really like potatoes.  But I […]