Health Articles

Natural Flow

I had an interesting dream a couple of weeks ago. Like most of my dreams, I am in an observer position, like I am watching a movie. In this dream, I was overhearing one person explain to another the essence of how to have a happy life. The essential point he was making was that […]

Health Articles

Freedom revisited

  It has been seven years since I wrote about the subject of freedom. The last time was July 3rd, 2016. A lot has happened since July of 2016, so I thought I would see if my perceptions have changed since way back then. Back then Obama was still president and we were in the throws […]

Health Articles

The Cycle

  Life is a curious thing.  People can spend their entire life striving for a particular something, and then when they finally achieve it they feel empty and incomplete.  Sometimes this is on a very obvious level with things like money.  A person may have a lifelong dream to become a millionaire, and then when […]

Health Articles

Road Trip

  A couple of weeks ago I was reading a review of a book called “The Comfort Crisis” by Michael Easter.  One of the key themes of this book is an understanding of how our brain works in relation to the experience of comfort.  Based on how we all act, you would think that our […]

Health Articles


As I review Heartflow coaching cases that Ellen has done on clients, I have been noticing a pattern of motivation  driving behaviors and feelings clients want to change that are based on loneliness.  This perspective of viewing feelings and behaviors is new for me.  Most of the time I see the source of people’s unhappiness […]

Health Articles

More Brain Inflammation

Do you experience brain fog – hazy thoughts or  difficulty with recall?Do you notice variations in your mental speed / ability to think?Do you have reduced brain endurance – can’t focus as long – can’t read as long?Do you get tired after exposure to specific chemicals, scents, pollutants?Do you get brain fatigue after exposure to […]

Health Articles

Prototype for Perfection

Deep within each of us is a blueprint for our ultimate perfect expression. It is the potential we have within us to become awesome.  This is not some vague wish-fulfillment fantasy fluff, but real hard-core potential unique to each of us.  It is built into our genes and epigenetic coding, and offers us the fulfillment of […]

Health Articles


This is the first newsletter of the new year, so I thought I would write on a subject that can support a positive tone for the coming year – abundance.  Abundance seems like something most people want in their lives.  There are certainly a lot of weekend seminars, books, videos, and training courses all focused on how […]

Health Articles

New Light

It is the time of year for new light, new hope, and new beginnings.  Even though winter has just started, solstice has taken place and the dark begins to retreat a little more each day.  Traditionally the next seven days are a time of feasting, fasting, and prayer in preparation for the welcoming in of […]

Health Articles

Holiday Stress

The holidays are in full swing, and along with that swing comes a lot of stress.  It is not a coincidence that holiday season is also cold and flu season.  This time of year takes down our immune system for many different reasons.  And most of those reasons are can be met head on and […]