Health Articles

Bands 2

The last couple of years have been really hard on our bodies.  Those of us that had a regular gym life found that activity severely restricted.  Two years of being basically housebound, other than occasionally walking up and down the street in front of the house, have let the muscles we used to have to […]

Health Articles

The Cycle

  Life is a curious thing.  People can spend their entire life striving for a particular something, and then when they finally achieve it they feel empty and incomplete.  Sometimes this is on a very obvious level with things like money.  A person may have a lifelong dream to become a millionaire, and then when […]

Health Articles

Senior Exercise

  You know what?  Getting older is a drag!  That’s right, not what I signed up for when I started this cruise.  As soon as you start to get a clue, someone takes the wind out of your sails.  Why is it that the less you know about what you are doing, the more energy you have to do […]

Health Articles


  I have been having a lot of patients with knee problems lately.  A few of them have had actual knee replacements.  These knee replacements are pretty ugly surgeries in terms of recovery.  Hip replacement surgeries seem to be a piece of cake by comparison.  The knee replacements only seem to work in about half […]

Health Articles

Steps to Balance

  A couple of weeks ago I stepped on the rocker balance board in the corner of my office to test my balance with my eyes closed.  I failed miserably.  I have been slacking off in doing my balance exercises.  We will blame the Covid-19 lock-down since it seems to be a good excuse for […]

Health Articles

Strength, Flexibility & Balance

As gyms and classes start opening up again after being closed down for almost a year, I am getting more questions about what exercises folks should do to recover from a year of not exercising.  I am getting more people coming in with minor injuries from getting more physically active since the last couple of […]

Health Articles

Most important exercise for seniors

If you spend any time on YouTube, Facebook, Google, or any other digital media where they track your searches, and you are at all health-minded, then you will probably have been inundated with ads for one exercise program or another.  At least I get them all the time.  There are literally hundreds of exercises you […]

Health Articles

Wellness Care

I attended a relicensing seminar via Zoom last weekend focused on the basic standard of care issues and how to document everything in an appropriate history and exam.  One of the topics that came up repeatedly was wellness care.  Both presenters were extolling the value of a wellness care type practice.  This has been the […]

Health Articles

Head Forward

Back in the old days, a head forward posture was the sign of a serious nerd or other types of bookworm or the special province of people over 60.  Since the development of computers, and now even worse the cell phone, the head forward posture is a modern epidemic.  Whatever posture we assume a lot […]

Health Articles

Lockdown back

Over the last couple of months,s I have been working on a lot of people with odd back problems.  The oddity is that these back issues come on without any apparent cause.  I see this normally a few times each week, but now most of the back issues I see are of this type.  I […]