Health Articles


Cholesterol is one of the bogymen of the modern medical delivery system.  Be careful or the cholesterol bogyman will get you has been the favorite chant for the last 50 years.  Interestingly, as the hard science is busy proving that eating cholesterol has nothing to do with plaque formations in your arteries, the American Heart Association […]

Health Articles

Fiber part 2

Last week I was writing about how intimately our health is tied to the bacteria that live in our gut.  I drew the picture that what we ate determined whether we had “good guy” bacteria supporting our health growing inside us or “bad guy” bacteria tearing down our health.  The “good guys” like to eat soluble fibers […]

Health Articles

Fiber and Prebiotics

The more I research leaky gut and the development of degenerative disease conditions, the more I run into our gut microbiome as the key player in this whole problem.  The pathways from things like Alzheimer’s disease, heart disease, cancer, arthritis, autoimmune disease, and so on keep tracing back to the gut as the starting place for these […]

Health Articles

Saturated Fats

Well the science is finally pouring in and the myth that saturated fat and cholesterol causes heart disease is broken.  The Seven Countries’ study started by Ancel Keys way back in 1958 to promote his belief that saturated fat and dietary cholesterol caused heart disease has been disproven as simply bad science created by cherry picking […]

Health Articles

The Magic Pill

Last week one of my patients told me about a documentary on Netflix called The Magic Pill.  It is about regular people engaging a ketogenic diet lifestyle and the amazing results it produces in their lives.  I was immediately attracted, so Ellen and I watched the show Thursday night.  It was excellent on many levels.  I highly recommend […]

Health Articles

More Happiness

Last week one of my patients sent me an article on the causes of depression and the unexpected solutions.  This information came from a new book called Lost Connections: Uncovering the Real Causes of Depression – and the Unexpected Solutions: The book was written by Johann Hari after she spent 3 years of researching and interviewing […]

Health Articles recipes

Chocolate Fudge Avocado Cake

As most of you know I am pretty dedicated to my keto lifestyle.  I have been in nutritional ketosis for over ten years now.  Every now and then I will take a week off to re-stimulate my system’s production of insulin.  When you don’t eat carbs, you don’t use your insulin much.  But you need […]

Health Articles

Brain Trauma

I just spent the last Saturday and Sunday at a seminar on Brain Trauma.  Although the focus was on such things as concussion, whiplash, and stroke, they also spent a lot of time looking at Alzheimer’s and other brain degeneration problems.  This was because the basic biology for all of these issues is the same.  […]

Health Articles


The last two weeks have been a killer for all my patients with allergies.  First it was the pine trees and then the oak trees that started dumping blankets of yellow dust on everyone’s cars.  At first it is hard to tell if the stuffy nose and scratchy throat are just a virus trying to take […]

Health Articles


When I took pathology in Chiropractic school it was taught by a gentleman from India.  He was a pathology professor at USC and was moonlighting by teaching at our little school.  His cultural viewpoint provided a valuable perspective on understanding disease that was not available from the Western perspective.  He taught that all the thousands of […]