Health Articles

Sulfur Intolerance

I have been interested in and researching metabolic detoxification pathways for about a month now.  In the pursuit of health it is becoming increasingly clear that the modern challenge to health is primarily the buildup of toxic poisons in our body.  This is pretty new for the history of human kind.  Throughout most of our history […]

Health Articles


For the last several weeks my focus has been on motivation.  The reason is very simple, I can give a person the greatest information and guidance in the world, but if they are not motivated to follow that guidance then there was no point in even knowing that information.  At the end of the day the […]

Health Articles


For some reason a lot of my patients have been complaining of symptoms of urinary tract infections.  It seems like everyone has to pee all the time and they never feel like they have completely emptied their bladders.  I have not had anyone mention blood in their urine and usually they have not had the typical […]

Health Articles


I carry a lot of different supplements in my office for treating many different conditions and ailments.  Yet 90% of what patients ask for and pick up are natural supports for pain relief.  Pain seems to be a big problem these days.  A shocking statistic I came across the other day is that opioids are […]

Health Articles


Over the last couple weeks I have had several patients come in complaining of muscle cramps.  The locations were varied, the hand, calf, top of the thigh, arch of the foot, and of course back muscle cramps.  This upturn in muscle cramping fits our current weather here in Sacramento right now – hot.  We have […]

Health Articles


I have been seeking the underlying motivation for dysfunctional behaviors commonly found in this culture.  Why do we do things that obviously don’t work personally, inter-personally, and socially?  Its not like anyone believes smoking is good for them, or that being a resistant ass is a winning social skill.  Yet it seems everyone has some loosing […]

Health Articles

The Hero’s Journey

Last week Ellen and I re-watched the Joseph Campbell / Bill Moyer PBS special “The Power of Myth.”  I first saw this almost 30 years ago and the basic message has stuck with me ever since.  Joseph Campbell studied the cultural myths all over the world and found certain themes were common to every culture.  The […]

Health Articles


The terror of sun exposure is a favorite topic pushed on us by our ever concerned medical establishment.  Public health messages focus on the dangers of too much ultraviolet light radiation hitting our skin and causing genetic damage promoting skin cancers and accelerated aging of the skin.  Yet curiously when the worldwide health damage caused […]

Health Articles

Toxic Stressors

Health Articles

Fat Burning

Few topics are as near and dear to everyone’s heart as how to lose weight.  More magazine covers are spent on this topic in the checkout line at your local grocery store than any other subject.  The amazing thing is how many weight loss diets there are out there.  How can there possibly be so […]