Health Articles


Ellen bought an online program for helping her osteoporosis last week.  This put the whole subject of osteoporosis into my head for a bit.  Then I read an article on protein requirements for humans relative to the whole paleo movement – more fodder for my brain.  Something in that article kept rolling around in the […]

Health Articles


The holidays are coming up fast.  The season starts with Halloween and ends at midnight on January 1st.  The big idea is two months of connection and good cheer.  Traditionally this is the harvest time.  You work hard for 6 to 7 months to till the soil, spread the seed, keep the weeds out, and […]

Health Articles

Feeling Work

Way back in 1972 mind-body interactions were the subject of philosopher’s arguments.  No one had any inkling that this subject would have any real world applications.  Back then I was a sophomore at UC Davis pursuing a double major in physics and psychology.  My goal at that time was to become a parapsychologist.  I wanted to […]

Health Articles


Pain relief is a major concern for the majority of Americans.  Unfortunately our current lifestyle generates a lot of pain.  55% of Americans reported a pain episode in the last 3 months.  Over 25 million Americans have daily chronic pain.  When I go to various official websites addressing pain, they only list four basic pain killing […]

Health Articles

Balance coordination

An issue that has been coming up for a lot of patients lately is how to keep their adjustments in place.  They will come in to see me for some complaint, I put things back together, and they are fine for several days to a couple weeks.  Then for seemingly little reason their back, or […]

Health Articles recipes

Broom bread

One of the important aspects of doing a detox diet is getting the poisons all the way out of your system.  In my past when I would do water fasts to clean out my system, there was no consideration for this need.  Water fasting is a very traditional method of detoxification, but I now believe […]

Health Articles


Poisons, poisons everywhere.  I have written many articles on the huge variety of poisons in our food, water, air, and living environments.  We have considered diet changes, water purification, air cleaners, and a host of replacement products for the toxic ones sold at the stores to clean our houses and selves with. But the truth is, […]

Health Articles


What is the most commonly deficient nutrient in the American diet?  As you might guess from the title of the article, it is magnesium.  As a rule Americans get most of the vitamins and minerals they need to prevent actual deficiency diseases like scurvy or beriberi due to the enrichment of common foods like flour, […]

Health Articles

Doris Day & the meaning of life

One of the benefits of my new lease Subaru is a few months of free Sirius XM satellite radio.  I have had the radio set to 50’s on 5, so I have been listening to music from the 50’s for the last two months.  I never heard any of this music when I was young […]

Health Articles


What is nicer than a really good night’s sleep?  It is so lovely to wake up all bright and ready for a new day.  And how about those wonderful dreams that you just barely remember as you are waking up and then they quickly slip away?  Yes, a good night’s sleep is truly grand.  The […]