Health Articles

The Magic Pill

Last week one of my patients told me about a documentary on Netflix called The Magic Pill.  It is about regular people engaging a ketogenic diet lifestyle and the amazing results it produces in their lives.  I was immediately attracted, so Ellen and I watched the show Thursday night.  It was excellent on many levels.  I highly recommend […]

Health Articles

What Went Wrong?

How did my body get where it is today?  What went wrong?  I have been health conscious forever and yet here I am with food sensitivities up the wazoo and a leaky gut generating unnecessary weight gain and limiting my energy abundance.  My health efforts have not been completely in vain as the average American […]

Health Articles

Core Power Foods

I have been studying diet and nutrition for 45 years, and particularly the impact of diet on the immune system for the last 10 years.  As my research has progressed over the last several years, it is beginning to feel like I am in an echo chamber.  The same basic principals and recommended foods keep […]

Health Articles


Most everyone loves ice cream, but we all know that ice cream is not good for us.  There is nothing healthful about it on any level.  It is full of toxic levels of sugar, high in inflammatory saturated fats, full of A1 casein that releases morphine receptor stimulators, and a basket load of interesting chemicals. […]

Health Articles

Taste Buds

I was whining to Ellen the other day “Why is it that everything that tastes good is bad for us?”  I have had this perception many times in the past, but this time I followed up on it.  I mean seriously, everything I read these days highlights the dangers of one food after another, at […]

Health Articles

Veggie Brain Cleaning

I just spent last weekend at a seminar on brain aging and brain development in the young.  These two subjects were put together because the undeveloped brain of an infant or young child has a lot of similarities to the degenerated brain function as one ages and goes into dementia.  We begin life as a […]

Health Articles

Ketogenic Diet

Most of the health issues I write about really come down to the impact of inflammation on our various body tissues.  While inflammation is a vital function of the body to help us fight infection and heal from injury, too much inflammation or inflammation when it is not needed destroys our health and well being. […]

Health Articles

Cooking up AGEs

While I was on vacation visiting my family in San Diego, I came across a fascinating article on increasing lifespan by restricting AGEs – Advanced Glycation End Products.  (Yes, its true, even on vacation I am doing research.)  Why should you care?  Because AGEs are what you get when you eat BBQ and bacon and […]

Health Articles


Since 1980 the childhood obesity rates for children between the ages of two to nineteen have tripled. For middle-aged-kids, ages six to eleven, this rate has doubled and the teen obesity rate has quadrupled.  We have an obesity epidemic in this country.  This has nothing to do with genetics; the American populace has the same […]

Health Articles

Insulin Resistance part 2

These days poor health largely comes down to some sort of inflammatory condition in the body.  Before the 1940’s the main cause of death and disease was infection, but modern sanitation and medicine have largely eliminated most of this in America allowing us to live long enough to have the inflammatory conditions catch up with […]