Health Articles

Brain Allergies

Do you ever have food cravings…urges for a particular food that makes you feel better even when you are full?  Have you experienced eating a favorite food only to end up hungrier than before you ate it?  Do you have any foods that you really can’t imagine going days or weeks without? If you answer […]

Health Articles

Heart Surgeon Apologizes

 How is your first Health Challenge going – eliminating seed oils from your diet ?  Challenge Number 1 is pretty easy for the bottles of oil you have at home, you just toss them out.  It is a little tougher to replace the products that are full of these oils like mayonnaise, dressings, bakery products, margarine, chips, […]

Health Articles

Health Priorities part 2

 Thanks everyone for all the positive feedback you have been giving me at the office…and as many of you have asked, yes, please feel free to forward this email to anyone you feel might be interested.        In this newsletter we are going to discuss the vital process of eating right.  This is a huge subject […]

Health Articles

A Day of Rest

 Wow!  I just spent last weekend at a long and intense seminar on Brain Neuro-degeneration – that means dying brain cells.  The presenter said that I will have killed off at least 108,000 brain cells forever by the time the seminar was over if I were an average Joe.  Talk about a complex subject!  15 […]

Health Articles

Issue 4

My thanks to all of you that expressed concern for my recent low back adventure. I am on the mend and now am ready to begin rehabilitating my back with balance exercises, stretching, and weight training. I am trying to convince our resident therapeutic massage therapist, Susan McDonald, to begin a stretch and balance class […]