Health Articles

Muscle Bracing

  Last week I spent 12 hours in front of my computer taking a continuing education class on muscle rehabilitation.  Zoom is a wonderful thing in small doses, but 12 hours is a bit longer than my posterior appreciates.  The essence of the class revolved around a physiologic fact that I have appreciated in the […]

Health Articles

Prototype for Perfection

Deep within each of us is a blueprint for our ultimate perfect expression. It is the potential we have within us to become awesome.  This is not some vague wish-fulfillment fantasy fluff, but real hard-core potential unique to each of us.  It is built into our genes and epigenetic coding, and offers us the fulfillment of […]

Health Articles


The theme for the beginning of the new year is detoxification.  I wrote about many simple ways to engage detoxification two weeks ago using diet.  I wanted to make sure everyone had time to get rid of all the junk food in the house and to stock up on plenty of leafy green vegetables and […]

Health Articles

New Year’s Detox

The New Year is almost upon us.  That means the socially obligatory sugar and carb feasting is finally over.  Most of us have had too many simple carbs and sugars over the last couple months and it has played havoc with our metabolisms, even if we are not feeling it.  Even if you have been divinely good, this […]

Health Articles

Feeling Work

Way back in 1972 mind-body interactions were the subject of philosopher’s arguments.  No one had any inkling that this subject would have any real world applications.  Back then I was a sophomore at UC Davis pursuing a double major in physics and psychology.  My goal at that time was to become a parapsychologist.  I wanted to […]

Health Articles

The Vegetable Cure

Years ago one of my patients, Penelope, embarked on a healing journey for her chronic back issues and other bodily maladies.  She received some simple but powerful advice.  She was told to simply eat only vegetables for six months with the addition of a few ounces of fish a couple times a week. That’s it! […]

Health Articles

What am I doing?

I see several new patients every week.  I thank all of you for those referrals as my practice is entirely created by your referrals.  I have always had a referral-based practice. I have always felt that what I do needed some sort of personal experience-based explanation, since what I do is so different from most […]

Health Articles

Essential Oils

Nature provides us an abundance of healing compounds in the plants that surround us on this planet.  Although plants seem very different from us, they have to deal with many of the same challenges we have and they have developed chemical ways of dealing with these challenges over the eons.  We can often use the […]

Health Articles

Why it is vital to be gentle with yourself

Daylight savings is here.  It is nice to have evenings in the light again.  This makes it easier for me to generate the motivation to get to the gym in the evenings to work out.  There is something about getting home when it is dark and raining that just doesn’t excite me to go right […]