Health Articles

Osteoarthritis Action Plan

A couple years ago I wrote a lengthy article on the causes of osteoarthritis. Check it out here. I wish to revisit this subject because, although the article was informative, it was shy on directions as to what to do specifically. Disease conditions are complex with many different factors that come into play in creating disease. I […]

Health Articles


  Well, I just hit the button to purchase a new mattress. Yes, I am an armchair shopper. For years I loved going from store to store looking for the best deal and just the right features I wanted. I still like wandering around the Ace Hardware down the street from me just to look […]

Health Articles

Heat vs. Cold

  A frequent argument among clinicians treating muscle and joint pain is over which is better, heat or cold therapy. I find this behavior common in many areas of life. People want to know what is the best thing to do in each situation. If we lived in a digital world of just ones and […]

Health Articles

Use It

  One of the favorite health expressions that get tossed about a lot is the ever-popular use-it-or-lose it.  Generally, this trope is used in reference to your muscles where reality is easily observable.  It is easy to see on yourself when you slack off on your exercise regime and your muscle tone goes to crap.  […]

Health Articles

Hot or Cold?

  A couple of weeks ago I noticed a bit of tenderness in my left low back.  Initially, I ignored it, but it didn’t go away.  I had not done anything that would cause an issue in that region, yet it was a bit uncomfortable.  Finally, I checked the low back with muscle testing, much […]

Health Articles

Sleep 2

Sleep, the subject sounds like a totally boring topic.  After all, everybody sleeps, no big deal, right?  Everybody eats also, but how many books and articles,  podcasts, and websites are dedicated to the subject of eating?  Sleep is just as profound in its importance to our health.  There is a ton of research on the […]