Scoliosis is a classic Chiropractic subject because many cases of scoliosis respond excellently to Chiropractic adjustments. I have treated many cases over the years. Some of these cases resolved nicely while others didn’t change at all yet the symptoms improved. So today I am going to look at several causes of scoliosis and discuss which […]
Tag: chiropractic
Recovery Time
One of the thoughts every new patient has when they come for their first visit is “how long will it take to heal my injury so my pain will go away?” I know that is the first thing on my mind. This newsletter will try to answer that question. First things first – pain means […]
Wellness Care
I attended a relicensing seminar via Zoom last weekend focused on the basic standard of care issues and how to document everything in an appropriate history and exam. One of the topics that came up repeatedly was wellness care. Both presenters were extolling the value of a wellness care type practice. This has been the […]
What am I doing?
I see several new patients every week. I thank all of you for those referrals as my practice is entirely created by your referrals. I have always had a referral-based practice. I have always felt that what I do needed some sort of personal experience-based explanation, since what I do is so different from most […]
Odd Experience
Hi , I had an odd experience the other day – at least odd for me. I deal with this in patients, but this is the first time I have experienced it in my own body. I am talking about a referred pain syndrome. About three weeks ago I started noticing a pain in […]