Health Articles

Raise and Roll

I have been noticing a lot of patients experiencing tingling or numbness down one or both arms lately.  For even longer, significant numbers of folks are showing their neck sliding forward.  This pattern is important because it creates degeneration of the lower neck vertebra and lots of discomfort and loss of function over time. Although […]

Health Articles


Salt is essential to life.  It is so important that it is one of the primary tastes our tongue perceives.  We are driven to acquire enough salt from our environment; for without salt, the chemical engines that give us life, stop.  The sodium in salt is half of the chemical battery system every cell in […]

Health Articles

A Fresh Start

A new year is beginning and since it is a new beginning it is a great time to start a new health goal.  New Year’s is a traditional time for creating new goals.  Everybody likes to start a new diet to take off all that extra weight put on by holiday eating.  Unfortunately the reality […]

Health Articles

New York, New York

The city of New York is the American icon of the big city.  Everybody who is anybody “knows” New York.  Being a west coast nobody, I have never been to or even had an interest in visiting “The Big Apple,” New York.  None-the-less, last week I did just that. Ellen and I were out visiting […]

Health Articles

Light and Dark (for those with holiday blues)

Winter solstice was a couple days ago; the shortest darkest day of the year.  It seems like only a couple weeks ago we were basking in endless sunlight anticipating fall.  Winter is an excellent metaphor for the experience of life.  We all experience times of “winter” in our lives; times of sadness, fear, and pain. […]

Health Articles recipes

Holiday Delicious

The holiday season is upon us and with it is the onslaught of delicious sugary treats.  We all know sugar is bad for us.  The decades of scientific misdirection and advertising dollars by the sugar industry has left us with a legacy of a one thousand percent increase in diseases like cancer, diabetes, Alzheimer’s, heart […]

Health Articles

What Went Wrong?

How did my body get where it is today?  What went wrong?  I have been health conscious forever and yet here I am with food sensitivities up the wazoo and a leaky gut generating unnecessary weight gain and limiting my energy abundance.  My health efforts have not been completely in vain as the average American […]

Health Articles

Leaky Gut Cure

For those following the current research, it appears that having a leaky gut wall is the starting point for most of our modern degenerative illnesses.  It has been said that auto-immune disease is the big disease of the 21st century.  Everything from heart disease to osteoporosis and Alzheimer’s to diabetes is now being recognized as […]

Health Articles

The Whole Point

Why are we here? We are here to grow up.  What does that mean? Typically we get loaded up with lies and misperceptions when we are young due to simple misunderstandings created by our youth as well as traditional false beliefs passed down from parents.  The lies put us in fear and make us miserable. […]

Health Articles

Celery Root

Well, I am into the fourth week of the Veggie Cure protocol I wrote about back on Nov 1st.  Cauliflower, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, mushrooms, and onions every day are needing a little variety to keep life interesting.  I have been doing interesting things like stir frying the kale salad blend I bought at Costco and […]