Health Articles

Painkillers 2

In my last newsletter, I wrote about pain for no reason. I discussed many different causes for such pain, but I did not say what to do about pain. This is not as simple an answer as most of us would like. Most people think of popping a pill when they feel pain, and there […]

Health Articles

Why Heat & Cold?

  This last week I had a couple of patients who were not doing as well as I expected on their follow-up visit. With both, I had recommended using hot and cold on the inflamed area at least once each day. They had not done this. The 110-degree days may have had something to do […]

Health Articles

Hot or Cold?

  A couple of weeks ago I noticed a bit of tenderness in my left low back.  Initially, I ignored it, but it didn’t go away.  I had not done anything that would cause an issue in that region, yet it was a bit uncomfortable.  Finally, I checked the low back with muscle testing, much […]

Health Articles

Movin’ dem Bones

Have you ever wondered just what it is I really do?  Yes, I am a Doctor of Chiropractic, but that doesn’t really say anything about what I actually am doing when you come in for a visit.  You know from experience that your pain decreases and your function improves, and that is really the point.  […]