Health Articles

Love Hormone

A little over a hundred years ago a hormone was isolated from the brain that was found to cause contractions of the uterus for promoting the birthing process.  Because of this function it was given the name oxytocin, from the Greek for “swift childbirth.”  About 50 years later a way was found to synthesize this […]

Health Articles


Allergies and sensitivities are amazingly common and yet from a medical viewpoint so little is known about why we get them.  There is a very clear understanding of what happens during the allergic response on a cellular level, but why it happens seems to be a question no one is asking.  Why would your immune […]

Health Articles

Hiatal Hernia

One of the more common complaints my patients have is stomach issues.  Most everyone can relate to heartburn.  It feels like a sharp burning feeling right in the chest around the heart area.  Another feeling patients report is a lump in the throat, like a pill they swallowed got stuck halfway down.  Sometimes the report […]


Self Love 2

Self-love is one of the most profound gifts of spiritual growth.  It is also one of the most difficult challenges we face in our life journey.  Self-love is generated through the integration of many other spiritual challenges.  But why would we want to achieve something so difficult?  It sounds good, but what does it really […]

Health Articles


I spent all day last Saturday and Sunday parked in front of my computer taking in a Livestream seminar on autoimmunity.  I had to log in at 8:45 and didn’t finish until 5:45 each evening.  The first day was all about how ugly and depressing autoimmunity is.  There is no cure.  There is only management […]

Health Articles

Holiday Stress Revisited

This topic was suggested to me by one of my patients as a good subject with which to start the holiday season.  With the onslaught of costumed sugar addicts at my door the other night, I would say the holidays are officially in full swing.  Somehow the season of good cheer also is the season […]

Health Articles

Osteoporosis Revisited

In my last newsletter I mentioned the idea I had that osteoporosis is really a collagen disease rather than what the mainstream medical community is telling us.  I have been continuing to dig into this subject and I am finding more information.  My initial hit that collagen formation was a critical aspect of osteoporosis appears […]

Health Articles

Balance coordination

An issue that has been coming up for a lot of patients lately is how to keep their adjustments in place.  They will come in to see me for some complaint, I put things back together, and they are fine for several days to a couple weeks.  Then for seemingly little reason their back, or […]

Health Articles

Sulfur Intolerance

I have been interested in and researching metabolic detoxification pathways for about a month now.  In the pursuit of health it is becoming increasingly clear that the modern challenge to health is primarily the buildup of toxic poisons in our body.  This is pretty new for the history of human kind.  Throughout most of our history […]

Health Articles

Fat Burning

Few topics are as near and dear to everyone’s heart as how to lose weight.  More magazine covers are spent on this topic in the checkout line at your local grocery store than any other subject.  The amazing thing is how many weight loss diets there are out there.  How can there possibly be so […]