Health Articles


Since 1980 the childhood obesity rates for children between the ages of two to nineteen have tripled. For middle-aged-kids, ages six to eleven, this rate has doubled and the teen obesity rate has quadrupled.  We have an obesity epidemic in this country.  This has nothing to do with genetics; the American populace has the same […]

Health Articles

Insulin Resistance

What do…     Heart disease    Strokes    Obesity    Diabetes    Alzheimer’s    Clogged arteries    Migraines    Fatty Liver    Metabolic Syndrome    Polycystic ovary syndrome    and Cancerall have in common?  Insulin resistance. I have been doing a lot of studying lately on the latest info on insulin resistance.  It looks like insulin resistance is one of the key causes of most […]

Health Articles

More Starch Problems

Starchy foods have been a mainstay of the human diet for thousands of years.  For many people starchy foods provide their primary source of affordable calories each day.  While starches are a bad idea for a sizable portion of the population, they are very usable for the larger percentage of folks. Remember, we are all […]

Health Articles


Diabesity – what’s that?  Diabesity is the newly coined term for obesity + diabetes, and refers to the link between obesity, insulin resistance, type 2 diabetes, and metabolic syndrome.  Since this is about the link underneath these conditions, you don’t even have to be obese to have diabesity.  Does this matter to you?  Half of […]

Health Articles

Sugar Genes

50,000 years ago humans lived in a state of dietary insecurity.  Agriculture had not been developed yet so food supply was determined by whatever was available with each season.  For humans living in Europe and north Asia winter was a time of almost no food at all.  To survive you had to live off of […]

Health Articles

Heart Surgeon Apologizes

 How is your first Health Challenge going – eliminating seed oils from your diet ?  Challenge Number 1 is pretty easy for the bottles of oil you have at home, you just toss them out.  It is a little tougher to replace the products that are full of these oils like mayonnaise, dressings, bakery products, margarine, chips, […]