Health Articles


  What more appropriate day for an article on creation than Mother’s Day? After all, it is a mother’s act of creating new little humans that has given us the human race. And in that act of creation is born the other half of our most fundamental reason for existence: connection. These two pieces are […]

Health Articles


Last week I came across an article about the use ofcholine for the treatment of fatty liver disease.  This grabbed my attention because many years ago I had acquired fatty liver disease after flirting with fruitarianism for several months.  The primary cause of fatty liver is fructose (fruit sugar) or alcohol.  Half of regular white sugar is […]

Health Articles

Bloat Revisited

Few things are as frustrating to many of my patients as the mysterious abdominal bloat that comes and goes.  Bloating is one of those symptoms that is hard to quantify.  For some people it is feeling of a too full belly, for others it is abdominal distention that comes on suddenly, and for others it […]