Health Articles


We had a little Octoberfest party in the court in our neighborhood this past weekend. Everybody in the neighborhood brought a pot luck dish and we all sat around in a big circle chatting while the kids rode bikes and played basketball.  Phil, my across the street neighbor, has one of those commercial snow cone […]

Health Articles

Loose Skin

One of the joys of aging is gradually losing the battle against gravity.  The elastic tissues under the skin and the deeper collagen structural fibrous tissues become weaker as the ability of the body to make new replacement proteins decreases.  Elastin, the rubber band-like tissue that allows the skin to snap back into shape after […]

Health Articles

Air Pollution

California has a problem – air pollution.  Now for the bad news. Sacramento, Los Angeles, and three other central valley cities hold the top spots for the worst ozone pollution in the country.  And don’t think that you are better off up in the foothills.  Placer, El Dorado, and Sutter counties are all just as […]

Health Articles


Our skin is the largest organ in our body. We don’t tend to think of it as an organ, but it is. Its number one function is protection. Our skin keeps outside stuff out and inside stuff in. It functions not only as a physical barrier, but it hosts a huge array of healthy microbes […]

Health Articles

Krill Oil

A number of years ago I started focusing on the imbalance of omega 6 oil (vegetable oils) to the omega 3 oils (fish oil, flax oil, and phospholipids) in our diet.  A healthy body has a fairly even mix of the two oils, and that is what exists naturally in vegetables. Unfortunately, beginning about 100 years […]

Health Articles


The holidays are coming up fast.  The season starts with Halloween and ends at midnight on January 1st.  The big idea is two months of connection and good cheer.  Traditionally this is the harvest time.  You work hard for 6 to 7 months to till the soil, spread the seed, keep the weeds out, and […]

Health Articles


Pain relief is a major concern for the majority of Americans.  Unfortunately our current lifestyle generates a lot of pain.  55% of Americans reported a pain episode in the last 3 months.  Over 25 million Americans have daily chronic pain.  When I go to various official websites addressing pain, they only list four basic pain killing […]

Health Articles


What is nicer than a really good night’s sleep?  It is so lovely to wake up all bright and ready for a new day.  And how about those wonderful dreams that you just barely remember as you are waking up and then they quickly slip away?  Yes, a good night’s sleep is truly grand.  The […]

Health Articles


I carry a lot of different supplements in my office for treating many different conditions and ailments.  Yet 90% of what patients ask for and pick up are natural supports for pain relief.  Pain seems to be a big problem these days.  A shocking statistic I came across the other day is that opioids are […]

Health Articles

Toxic Stressors