Health Articles


  I write a lot about different ways to improve your health, but I have missed writing about one of the simplest and most enjoyable health aids – vacations. So much in the health arena involves doing things like exercise, diet, proper sleep, and avoiding toxic environmental elements. These things are necessary, but not fun. […]


Health Assessment Questionnaire

Please circle the appropriate number or answer yes/no after each question below. 0 means the least/or never increasing up to 3 means most/or always See last page for how to score Brain Circulation Low brain endurance for focus and concentration 0 1 2 3 Cold hands and feet 0 1 2 3 Use exercise or […]

Health Articles

Prototype for Perfection

Deep within each of us is a blueprint for our ultimate perfect expression. It is the potential we have within us to become awesome.  This is not some vague wish-fulfillment fantasy fluff, but real hard-core potential unique to each of us.  It is built into our genes and epigenetic coding, and offers us the fulfillment of […]

Health Articles

Mini Moves

One of the favorite engagements this time of year is a renewed commitment to improving health through physical activity.  While this is a noble effort, it rarely works.  Generally within two months the daily visits to the gym have dwindled down to once a week as the reality of our busy life shows us why […]