Health Articles

Descent into hell(th)

As I describe to patients the life changes they can make to improve their health, I frequently get the impression that I am Dante describing the journey down through the various levels of Hell.  Somehow or other the thought of having to change one’s behavior in order to get different results is not embraced by […]

Health Articles


  Three weeks ago after finishing up my shower in the morning, I bent forward to squeegee the water off the walls. All of a sudden my back seized up.  Now the odd thing was that being bent forward was not the problem.  It was when I tried to straighten up that it grabbed me.  […]

Health Articles

Senior Exercise

  You know what?  Getting older is a drag!  That’s right, not what I signed up for when I started this cruise.  As soon as you start to get a clue, someone takes the wind out of your sails.  Why is it that the less you know about what you are doing, the more energy you have to do […]

Health Articles

How much is right?

This seemingly simple little question is almost always answered wrong.  Just how much should you do anything?  For me, this came into sharp awareness recently while working with my sweetie Ellen while her back was seized up for a week.  Essential to recovering from a seized up back is movement.  Movement hurts so her natural […]

Health Articles

Strength, Flexibility & Balance

As gyms and classes start opening up again after being closed down for almost a year, I am getting more questions about what exercises folks should do to recover from a year of not exercising.  I am getting more people coming in with minor injuries from getting more physically active since the last couple of […]

Health Articles


Well, here we are finishing out our seventh month on lockdown.  Being stuck at home is having some serious consequences on our health.  In some ways it is like being on vacation:  we don’t commute to work every day, we don’t go to the gym, we catch up on  lots of Netflix or get lost […]

Health Articles

Health – where to start

I have been writing for years about actions you can engage to improve your health.  This has generally been focused on specific topics that I hear as complaints from patients, but most of my patients are generally already health-oriented.  Today the question is how to start the health improvement journey from ground zero.  I am […]

Health Articles

How much is enough?

We are into the second week of the new year.  Many folks have already started on their resolutions for the new year.  Exercise is a common resolution for many of you.  But the question comes up – how much exercise should I do?  Do I go to the gym for an hour three times a […]

Health Articles

Basic Reset

About a week ago I read a book on vagus nerve function and clinical applications. The vagus nerve has been described as the rest and digest nerve that comes out from the base of your skull and travels down to most all of your internal organs like the heart, lungs, and digestive system.  This would normally be […]

Health Articles


A significant issue we all get to face as we age is the loss of the strength of our bones.  I have written about the physiology of our bones and the nutrition necessary to support their continued strength.  The focus of that information was that our bones are primarily made of protein.  As such we need to support […]