Health Articles


Scoliosis is a classic Chiropractic subject because many cases of scoliosis respond excellently to Chiropractic adjustments. I have treated many cases over the years. Some of these cases resolved nicely while others didn’t change at all yet the symptoms improved. So today I am going to look at several causes of scoliosis and discuss which […]

Health Articles

Rebuilding Joints

  Can we rebuild the cartilage in our joints once it has started to degenerate away? Most of my readers are over 45. so this is an important question for them. In truth, our joints start wearing down from age 25 on, but usually, we don’t feel it for 20+ years at least, unless we […]

Health Articles

Common Low Back Patterns

  I was bending over the tub this morning preparing to give Ellen her bath when I noticed a tender soreness across my low back on both sides. Now I don’t normally have back pain, so I pay immediate attention to any pain signals I get. I learned to do this the hard way. Several […]

Health Articles


  Three weeks ago after finishing up my shower in the morning, I bent forward to squeegee the water off the walls. All of a sudden my back seized up.  Now the odd thing was that being bent forward was not the problem.  It was when I tried to straighten up that it grabbed me.  […]

Health Articles

Dynamic Balance

  We are still in the first month of the new year, so challenging ourselves to improve our lives is still on the table.  As the name of the article implies, I am going to challenge all of us to improve our dynamic balance.  Our what?  Losing weight, hitting the gym, and improving your diet […]