Health Articles

What is Detox?

People are starting to bandy about the detox word more and more these days, yet when I ask them what detox actually means they generally have no idea.  They know it means doing some sort of special diet and maybe something else like taking special cleansing herbs.  But that seems to be about the extent […]

Health Articles


Poisons, poisons everywhere.  I have written many articles on the huge variety of poisons in our food, water, air, and living environments.  We have considered diet changes, water purification, air cleaners, and a host of replacement products for the toxic ones sold at the stores to clean our houses and selves with. But the truth is, […]

Health Articles


When I took pathology in Chiropractic school it was taught by a gentleman from India.  He was a pathology professor at USC and was moonlighting by teaching at our little school.  His cultural viewpoint provided a valuable perspective on understanding disease that was not available from the Western perspective.  He taught that all the thousands of […]

Health Articles

Rejuvenation Protocol

What if there really was a fountain of youth?  What if there was a way to stay biologically and metabolically young, vibrant and full of health?  What would it be worth to you to feel energetic, mentally and emotionally alive, strong, and pain free?  What would you do to rejuvenate your body and your life? […]

Health Articles

The Vegetable Cure

Years ago one of my patients, Penelope, embarked on a healing journey for her chronic back issues and other bodily maladies.  She received some simple but powerful advice.  She was told to simply eat only vegetables for six months with the addition of a few ounces of fish a couple times a week. That’s it! […]

Health Articles

Intermittent Fasting

Last week a patient asked me why I hadn’t written an article on intermittent fasting.  I was amazed, because it has been a mainstay of my lifestyle for years now.  I feel like I have written about it many times, but maybe I have never actually come out and named it by name.  Possibly this is because I […]

Health Articles

Miracle of Autophagy

When I first got the idea to move to my present location, everyone who looked at the spot thought I was crazy.  The building was in such bad condition that most folks thought I should just demolish the existing building and start over.  I didn’t have the funds to do anything quite that ambitious, but […]

Health Articles

Clean Up Our Act

The holidays are past and the New Year has started.  It is time to clean up our act once again.  Most of us indulged in fattening foods, inflammatory foods, and just plain poisonous foods sometime over the last two months.  The short days have slowed down our metabolism and the toxins have built up in […]

Health Articles


I have been fasting for two weeks now, doing what I am now calling the Full Belly Fast.  It is a very different experience for me compared to my usual water fasting.  It does not even feel like fasting because I am eating several times a day.  I always have a full belly.  Normally with […]

Health Articles

Taking Out the Trash

  Have you noticed how much effort it takes these days to stay healthy?  When I was a little kid diabetes was a rare almost unheard of disease.  We all knew about heart attacks, but nobody my parents or their parents knew had had one.  Cancer was not even a word that was in the […]