Health Articles

Osteoarthritis Action Plan

A couple years ago I wrote a lengthy article on the causes of osteoarthritis. Check it out here. I wish to revisit this subject because, although the article was informative, it was shy on directions as to what to do specifically. Disease conditions are complex with many different factors that come into play in creating disease. I […]

Health Articles

Natural Flow

I had an interesting dream a couple of weeks ago. Like most of my dreams, I am in an observer position, like I am watching a movie. In this dream, I was overhearing one person explain to another the essence of how to have a happy life. The essential point he was making was that […]

Health Articles

Carbs or Fats?

The general question of today’s newsletter is which kind of diet works better to improve health – low- carb or low-fat. In the world of dietary modification, the most common need in America today is to lose fat weight since over two-thirds of Americans are overweight. Almost half of them are outright obese, which is […]

Health Articles

Sleep 3

  How much do you know about sleep?  Considering that we as humans spend almost one-third of our lives sleeping, knowing what the heck we are doing while sleeping might be important.  Most of us are aware to some degree that some of the time while we sleep, we dream.  Some people dream about people […]

Health Articles

Basic Reset

About a week ago I read a book on vagus nerve function and clinical applications. The vagus nerve has been described as the rest and digest nerve that comes out from the base of your skull and travels down to most all of your internal organs like the heart, lungs, and digestive system.  This would normally be […]

Health Articles

Metabolic Psychiatry

I am reading a book right now about using nutrients to balance out brain chemistry.  The amount of research is impressive with over 30,000 patients treated and over a million lab tests performed to assess these patients.  This kind of research volume only happens when we are either dealing with somebody’s life work or when […]