Health Articles

Bloat Revisited

Few things are as frustrating to many of my patients as the mysterious abdominal bloat that comes and goes.  Bloating is one of those symptoms that is hard to quantify.  For some people it is feeling of a too full belly, for others it is abdominal distention that comes on suddenly, and for others it […]

Health Articles

Safety versus Ease

Here we are the day before Halloween – a time when all the scary ghosts and goblins are set free.  More traditionally any departed souls still wandering the earth have one last chance to visit the living before being carried to the other side on All Saints Day, November 1st.  In any event the whole […]

Health Articles

Flu Season

It is officially here – flu season.  I have had a few people here and they’re showing up with the occasional flu bug.  But the real flu season begins about two weeks before Halloween with the first four bags of Halloween candy that you picked up at the store.  After all, the bags have been […]

Health Articles

CBDs for Pain

Everyone is familiar with the pain blocking ability of morphine, codeine, oxycodone, and the rest of the opiate-based pain medications.  As a group, they are the most widely abused drugs in America today.  But without them patients can be stuck with unbearable levels of pain.  I know when I was passing a kidney stone several […]

Health Articles

Getting Up

As you may have noticed, if you have been reading this newsletter for any length of time, I have an obsession with maintaining mental and physical functionality as I age.  Why am I obsessed?  I obsess because it is my story.  I work diligently to maintain my mental and physical functionality as I age.  I […]

Health Articles


Mayonnaise defies the natural order, much like life itself.  Normally oil and water do not mix, but mayonnaise forms an emulsion that keeps the oil dispersed in the water for a long time.  It does this through the magic of bipolar molecules – Little molecules with one end that loves oil and the other end […]

Health Articles


When you ask the average person what single food will give them the best nutrition, a majority will say a nice big glass of milk.  The nutritional properties of milk have been carefully promoted for decades.  The milk advisory board’s advertising campaigns have been some of the most successful in history.  Who doesn’t love the […]

Health Articles

Lifestyle Pain: part 2

Last week I wrote about how so much of the pain I see in patients is not the result of anything they have done to injure themselves, but rather the consequence of little lifestyle choices that gradually start creating negative consequences like pain.  We focused on the lower half of the body last time, looking […]

Health Articles

Lifestyle Pain: part 1

I see a lot of people in pain.  The first thing they usually want to know is what they did to cause the pain in the first place so they can avoid it in the future.  A few of them know what they did, like lifting something too heavy or being in some sort of […]

Health Articles

Excess weight is caused by GAS

I know the title statement sounds silly, but I am being tricky.  GAS stands for General Adaptation Syndrome – part of the theory of stress proposed by Hans Selye many years ago.  This newsletter is going to be a synthesis of my knowledge and experience to date regarding weight gain/obesity, so I may make connections […]