Health Articles

Green Smoothies

Every morning I make a green smoothie to start the day for Ellen and myself.  We started doing this after reading Terry Wahl’s book “The Wahl’s Protocol”.  Dr. Wahl was able to beat MS using paleo diet  principals and functional medicine.  She did all the standard medical protocols for MS and ended up a complete […]

Health Articles

Clean Up Our Act

The holidays are past and the New Year has started.  It is time to clean up our act once again.  Most of us indulged in fattening foods, inflammatory foods, and just plain poisonous foods sometime over the last two months.  The short days have slowed down our metabolism and the toxins have built up in […]

Health Articles

Belonging First

The year 2017 has arrived.  It looks like the winds of change are upon us.  New times and new challenges await us in this coming year.  To set the tone for the New Year I wanted to consider the deepest priority and motivator that I believe drives us in what we do.  I have been […]

Health Articles

New Light

It is the time of year for new light, new hope, and new beginnings.  Even though winter has just started, solstice has taken place and the dark begins to retreat a little more each day.  Traditionally the next seven days are a time of feasting, fasting, and prayer in preparation for the welcoming in of […]

Health Articles

Holiday Stress

The holidays are in full swing, and along with that swing comes a lot of stress.  It is not a coincidence that holiday season is also cold and flu season.  This time of year takes down our immune system for many different reasons.  And most of those reasons are can be met head on and […]

Health Articles

That’s not the problem

My first intention approaching this article was to go into whether gluten is as bad as the present science is showing it to be.  But as I started thinking about the subject, it became obvious that all kinds of things get put into the villain category by our science that we the public blindly accept […]

Health Articles

What Does a Good Diet Look Like?

I have written loads of articles on special needs and diets that address those needs like gluten sensitivity, Small Intestinal Bacterial Overload, low glycemic diets, fasting and intermittent fasting, and so on.  But what about the average person that simply needs a healthy diet and does not have any special needs?  What kind of diet […]

Health Articles

What’s Eating You?

Since this article is coming out Thanksgiving weekend – a weekend commonly spent eating more than usual – a food article seemed appropriate.  But lets turn this story around.  Let’s consider what is eating us, rather than simply what we are eating. By now we have all heard about how there are ten times as […]

Health Articles


Enzymes make everything happen in your body.  They are like little protein robots that take things apart and puts them back together in different ways.  They manufacture everything in our body.  They also disassemble foods we eat into basic building blocks, so we can build what we need to become us. We are experiencing an […]

Health Articles

What am I doing?

I see several new patients every week.  I thank all of you for those referrals as my practice is entirely created by your referrals.  I have always had a referral-based practice. I have always felt that what I do needed some sort of personal experience-based explanation, since what I do is so different from most […]