Hi , As you might guess the main reason people come to see me is for pain relief. I get the occasional person that wants to improve their health through diet and lifestyle changes, but most of the time pain is the prime motivator for folks. If you are a reader of this newsletter, then […]
Author: Dr. Dave DeLapp
Odd Experience

Hi , I had an odd experience the other day – at least odd for me. I deal with this in patients, but this is the first time I have experienced it in my own body. I am talking about a referred pain syndrome. About three weeks ago I started noticing a pain in […]
Hormone poisons in your bathroom

Did you know that the lining of your digestive tract and your skin are not only made of the same types of cells, but function in much the same way? Epithelial cells (skin cells) serve to create a barrier to keep out bacteria while letting smaller chemicals into the system. In the digestive tract the smaller […]
Ozone Decontamination

Do you know how the earth naturally destroys pollution? Ozone. High-energy rays from the sun hit our upper atmosphere and are absorbed by oxygen converting regular oxygen (O2) into ozone (O3). Ozone is a highly reactive, energized and unstable form of oxygen that reacts with pollutants in the air and breaks them down. Since ozone is […]
Junk Food Love

One of the basic tenants of diagnosis in Chinese Medicine is to pay attention to any strong likes or dislikes the patient has – especially to foods. Strong likes or dislikes are red flags highlighting imbalances within the patient. Chinese doctors wisely understood that health is all about balance. Any strong attachment to anything produces an imbalance within […]
Chard Chips

Ellen and I were cruising Whole Foods last week looking for a crunchy snack we were told about by a friend that was actually good for us. Most crunchy snacks, even those in the health section of the store, are toxic because most are fried in oil. As soon as you heat oil up it […]
Building Stronger Bones

What does it take to build strong bones? If you listen to the standard media they will say calcium, but there is much more to this story. Calcium is not enough by a long shot. Read full article here… People like simple answers. Human nature is to either not trust or to ignore things we don’t understand. Our […]
Is Pain Good?

I hate pain. I hate pain so much I make my livelihood out of relieving pain. I know that not everyone hates pain. Dancers and professional athletes embrace pain as part of their profession. Boxers obviously must love pain to choose a career centered on getting beat up. Then there are those weight lifters that tell […]
The Puzzle of Life

In the last newsletter I was writing about joint instability being caused by conflicting desires. I discussed how our body automatically tenses up in anticipation of what is needed to stabilize the body as we are about to move into action. We are always in a postural state of preparedness for action based on what our […]

How many of you have had the experience of your low back, or neck, or maybe a knee or foot suddenly act up and hurt for no seeming reason at all? That seems to be the most common cause of joint pain and suffering I see in the office – nothing at all. So what […]