Health Articles

Ozone Decontamination

Do you know how the earth naturally destroys pollution?  Ozone.  High-energy rays from the sun hit our upper atmosphere and are absorbed by oxygen converting regular oxygen (O2) into ozone (O3).  Ozone is a highly reactive, energized and unstable form of oxygen that reacts with pollutants in the air and breaks them down.  Since ozone is heavier than normal air it gradually drifts down toward the earth all day long reacting with things in the air on the way down.

You have probably heard of problems with depleting our ozone layer with too much pollution which then lets those high energy rays reach the planet and cause damage.  What you haven’t heard is that the ozone naturally changes back into regular oxygen within a couple hours every night and is reformed every morning when the sun hits the air again.

So why is ozone of particular interest to me right now?  Because it is about the best way I have found to destroy poisons in my home!  Ozone will break down pesticides, molds, toxic gasses, and nasty odors.  It kills bugs, removes stains, destroys germs and bacteria, and cleans wonderfully.  And when it is finished doing its job it turns back into harmless safe oxygen.  It is amazing.

I am using ozone in two primary forms right now.  I have a commercial ozone generator for filling household air with ozone for sanitizing the house, killing mold and mildew, and getting rid of any bugs.  I also have a special machine that forces ozone into water for destroying pesticides, bacteria, and other contaminates on my fruits and vegetables.  We also use this water for sanitizing cooking surfaces and cleaning around the house.  It is the perfect non-toxic cleaner as it is only oxygen.

Ozone has also been used medically for over 70 years in the treatment of infections like gangrene, retroviruses like HIV, and ever cancer.  The medical/pharmaceutical establishment in this country has suppressed its use here as it is cheap to use and eliminates the need for expensive drug therapies for many conditions.  However it is widely used in many other countries with great success.

But home applications are easily available to us and I am excited with ozone’s use in my home.  Here are pictures of the two units I am using.

The Lotus is available on for those of you looking for a way to decontaminate your fruits, vegetables, and even meats (no more salmonella on my chicken.)  Some of my previous posts have talked about the huge number of pesticides that are found contaminating our food supply from the store.  This is an ideal way of getting rid of those contaminants.  Check out the Lotus Here.

If you are a Do-It-Yourself type, I am willing to rent out my whole home decontaminator and give you instructions on its proper use (it takes about 8 hours to reach a strong enough ozone concentration to kill molds, germs, and bugs in a 1000 square foot area.) 

If you prefer a professional to come in and do the job, one of my patients has just started up an odor removal company that uses hi-tech photonic ozone to eliminate odors, molds, etc just as I have been describing.  His name is Joe Chasko and his company is found at