Ah the delicious wonder that is chocolate. In its pristine form chocolate is a fabulous health food. It contains many phytochemicals that support the body including flavonols that fight inflammation and brain degeneration and theobromine which stimulates the brain while also calming it and strengthens tooth enamel. The cocoa butter in chocolate contains polyphenols which fight […]
Krill Oil
A number of years ago I started focusing on the imbalance of omega 6 oil (vegetable oils) to the omega 3 oils (fish oil, flax oil, and phospholipids) in our diet. A healthy body has a fairly even mix of the two oils, and that is what exists naturally in vegetables. Unfortunately, beginning about 100 years […]
Feeling Guidance
Guidance from our feelings is a critical part of our spiritual growth. The common phrase “let your feelings guide you” or “be guided by your heart” is standard advice from the spiritual growth crowd. The problem is no one really tells us just what this means or how to do it. It is like it is […]
Thanksgiving is almost here. This year we are going over to my cousin’s house for the big family get together. Ellen and I like to come up with unusual and unique foods to bring to these affairs as they are pot luck with the hosts providing the turkey. I will probably bring several things like […]
Holiday Stress Revisited
This topic was suggested to me by one of my patients as a good subject with which to start the holiday season. With the onslaught of costumed sugar addicts at my door the other night, I would say the holidays are officially in full swing. Somehow the season of good cheer also is the season […]
Osteoporosis Revisited
In my last newsletter I mentioned the idea I had that osteoporosis is really a collagen disease rather than what the mainstream medical community is telling us. I have been continuing to dig into this subject and I am finding more information. My initial hit that collagen formation was a critical aspect of osteoporosis appears […]
Ellen bought an online program for helping her osteoporosis last week. This put the whole subject of osteoporosis into my head for a bit. Then I read an article on protein requirements for humans relative to the whole paleo movement – more fodder for my brain. Something in that article kept rolling around in the […]
The holidays are coming up fast. The season starts with Halloween and ends at midnight on January 1st. The big idea is two months of connection and good cheer. Traditionally this is the harvest time. You work hard for 6 to 7 months to till the soil, spread the seed, keep the weeds out, and […]
Feeling Work
Way back in 1972 mind-body interactions were the subject of philosopher’s arguments. No one had any inkling that this subject would have any real world applications. Back then I was a sophomore at UC Davis pursuing a double major in physics and psychology. My goal at that time was to become a parapsychologist. I wanted to […]
Pain relief is a major concern for the majority of Americans. Unfortunately our current lifestyle generates a lot of pain. 55% of Americans reported a pain episode in the last 3 months. Over 25 million Americans have daily chronic pain. When I go to various official websites addressing pain, they only list four basic pain killing […]