Hi , Last week I discussed the three basic types of weight loss diets – low calorie, low fat, and low carb, and how the most effective diet is to combine all three. I also discussed how hormones control weight – particularly insulin. This means we want to keep insulin levels as low as possible […]
Tag: stress

It has been a busy couple of weeks. After returning from my little expedition to Japan to attend my son Mason’s graduation from Temple University, I wanted to focus on ways to better address the many facets of preventative healthcare available through natural means. We have such a huge number of things we can do […]
Blueprint Corruption?

Well I am glad to be back in the U S of A. Japan was a great place to visit, and quite lovely out in the distant countryside, but Tokyo was much too big a city for me. From the top of Tokyo Tower overlooking the city in all directions it looked like 25 downtown […]
What is Stress?

Well the holidays are upon us. I hope all of you had a wonderful Thanksgiving. I have heard from a few of you that you were actually out there at 4 in the morning for the Black Friday sales. Some good bargains were to be found, but 4am is waaaaaay to early for me. For […]
A Day of Rest

Wow! I just spent last weekend at a long and intense seminar on Brain Neuro-degeneration – that means dying brain cells. The presenter said that I will have killed off at least 108,000 brain cells forever by the time the seminar was over if I were an average Joe. Talk about a complex subject! 15 […]
Change in Hours

Welcome to the mid-October issue of Fair Oaks News. Fall is definitely here. I walked into the office on September 22nd and noticed the fig tree had dropped a pile of leaves over the night, right on schedule. As most of you know I cut back office hours by closing on Wednesdays […]