Health Articles

Gua sha

  Many years ago a friend and fellow Chiropractor, Dr. Fisher, showed me a new healing technique he had learned called Gau sha.  He had been using it on several of his difficult patients and was getting excellent results.  The technique seemed very simple and I wondered if maybe I was missing something.  How could […]

Health Articles


The topic around the house this last week or so has been on suffering.  This has been a favorite topic intermittently over the last 25 years or so, but this time it was different.  This time, on her own, Ellen made the profound realization that all the suffering in her life has come from her […]

Health Articles

Raise and Roll

I have been noticing a lot of patients experiencing tingling or numbness down one or both arms lately.  For even longer, significant numbers of folks are showing their neck sliding forward.  This pattern is important because it creates degeneration of the lower neck vertebra and lots of discomfort and loss of function over time. Although […]

Health Articles

Muscle & joint relief

Pain in the muscles and joints is the most common type of pain.  Everyone experiences it at some time.  Although unpleasant, it is a very necessary part of the survival mechanisms built into our bodies.  Without pain we would not know when our body is being injured.  Pain is the signal that tells us to […]

Health Articles

Omega 3s for Inflammation

One of the takeaways from the weekend I spent recently learning about the latest information for managing the hormone systems of the body is the importance of getting rid of the inflammation in our system.  Excess inflammation drives all sorts of disease states in the body, including imbalances in our hormone systems.   We have […]

Health Articles

Enhancing CBDs for Pain Relief

More and more of my patients are reporting excellent results using CBDs for pain relief.  Several have even reported being able to stop using their medical pain relief drugs, which is what I was hoping for.  Prescription pain relief drugs are the number one form of opiate drug abuse in America with over 2.1 million […]

Health Articles

Fender Benders

We are actually getting winter rain this year.  Along with the much-needed water, I am also seeing a sharp rise in the number of patients getting in fender benders.  The wet slippery roads are making driving a little less safe right now.  This puts you at risk for injuries that are not the usual type […]

Health Articles

Drug Deaths

Do you know what class of drugs causes the most drug related deaths every year?  Does your mind go to street drugs like heroin, or possibly super stimulants like crack, crank, and cocaine?  Some of you know I tend to be tricky, so you are probably considering toxic meds like cancer drugs or heart medications.  […]

Health Articles


Back pain is not much fun, and yet it is the most common reason people go to doctors.  Since most of you reading this newsletter already know how effective non-force Chiropractic care is, we will skip the usual blah-blah about how important it is to see a professional for the proper alignment of your spine […]

Health Articles

Is Pain Good?

I hate pain.  I hate pain so much I make my livelihood out of relieving pain.  I know that not everyone hates pain.  Dancers and professional athletes embrace pain as part of their profession.  Boxers obviously must love pain to choose a career centered on getting beat up.  Then there are those weight lifters that tell […]