Health Articles

Not Okay

I was listening to my sweetie, Ellen, express a feeling she was having about something coming up in her awareness that felt emotionally not okay. She didn’t know what it was but felt it tickling at the edge of her consciousness. She said that these things usually meant that life was trying to show her […]

Health Articles

Spot Reduction

Many years ago a much beloved fairy tale floated around the health and physical culture environments, the tale of magical spot reduction.  It seems most everyone has a particularly obnoxious area on their body that likes to accumulate extra fat.  For some people that area is the pouch around the belly button and for others it is […]

Health Articles

Beauty Light

Soft, clear, beautiful skin is a joy to behold.  It communicates the health and vitality of the person blessed with such skin.  Indeed, the health of the skin is a reflection of the health of similar tissues throughout the body such as the gut lining and blood vessel lining. Like the gut lining, our skin […]