Health Articles


As many of you know, I spent the last week vacationing at a resort in Mexico with my older son, his wife, and my two grandkids. It was an opportunity to completely unwind and do nothing. Well, almost nothing; I did eat too much, so that is something. We all had little wrist tags that […]

Health Articles

Health Priorities 2025

Last week I wrote about getting the New Year off to a great start by setting a health resolution to eat simple traditional foods. The research is in and the biggest culprit damaging our health from the world of food is not the type of basic food you choose, but rather how much processing it […]

Health Articles

No Cooking?

I spend inordinate amounts of time writing and talking to patients about what constitutes a healthy diet.  This is because diet has the greatest day-to-day impact on our health, far more than I can offer with a Chiropractic adjustment.  Every bite you take is like a mouth full of either medicine or poison.  There is […]

Health Articles

Safe Foods

For many years now I have been telling everyone that the safest and healthiest way to eat is to consume only fresh foods.  That means shopping only the fresh vegetable and fruit aisle and the fresh meat aisles of the grocery store.  My message has been “If it comes in a printed package, don’t eat […]

Health Articles recipes


Thanksgiving is almost here.  This year we are going over to my cousin’s house for the big family get together.  Ellen and I like to come up with unusual and unique foods to bring to these affairs as they are pot luck with the hosts providing the turkey.  I will probably bring several things like […]

Health Articles

Sous Vide Turkey

Every year the children, grandchildren, and now great grandchildren of my maternal grandmother get together for a Thanksgiving feast.  The location of the feast rotates around between the various households with this year’s feast appearing at my mother’s house.  Since she is 85 years old my sisters decided that she needed help with the feast […]


Grocery Shopping

About a week ago a Facebook post appeared in my email inbox from one of my patient’s Facebook page.  I have no idea why it appeared as I usually only get such things from my own Facebook page, not anyone else’s.  But the post was a picture of a Whole Foods shopping cart – you […]